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Kraus and Larson (1988) found that in some large wave tank cases, the local
slope of a mound of noncohesive material exceeded the angle of repose due to
constant waves and water levels. Therefore, the concept of slope failure was
incorporated in LTFATE to ensure stability of the dredged material mound by
employing an algorithm developed by Larson and Kraus (1989). The algorithm
is based on laboratory studies conducted by Allen (1970), who investigated
steepening of slopes consisting of granular solids. Allen (1970) recognized two
limiting slopes, the angle of initial yield and the residual angle after shearing. If
the slope exceeds the angle of initial yield, material is redistributed along the
slope through avalanching, and a new stable slope is attained, known as the
residual angle after shearing.
Cohesive mound movement
An improved cohesive sediment transport model has recently been incor-
porated into LTFATE to account for transport of fine-grained material, i.e., silts
and clays. Fine-grained sediments are hydraulically transported almost entirely
in suspension rather than as bed load; therefore, the Ackers-White equations are
not applicable for these conditions. The cohesive sediment transport model
requires bottom shear stress as input. The total bottom shear stress due to cur-
rents and waves is determined using the combined current/wave >perceived
velocity=, Vwc (Bijker 1971; Swart 1976) and bottom roughness parameters. This
method for calculating shear stress, like most others, is influenced by bottom
roughness parameters. These parameters are frequently not available for the
study area, and the results may change significantly depending on their values.
Bottom roughnesses for typical ocean sediments can be used in lieu of actual
The factors influencing the resistance of a cohesive sediment bed to erosion
may be best described by Ariathurai and Krone (1976) as: (a) the types of clay
minerals that constitute the bed; (b) structure of the bed (which in turn depends
on the environment in which the aggregates that formed the bed were deposited),
time, temperature, and the rate of gel formation; (c) the chemical composition of
the pore and eroding fluids; (d) stress history, i.e., the maximum overburden
pressure the bed had experienced and the time at various stress levels; and
(e) organic matter and its state of oxidation. It is obvious from this description
that the resistance of the bed to erosion will be different not only from site to
site, but also potentially with depth at a given location. Therefore, erosion
potential is usually considered a site-specific function of shear stress (and
sometimes depth). Methods have been developed to determine erosion based on
stresses, but these equations require parameters whose values are site specific. A
commonly used method of relating erosion to shear stress has been incorporated
into LTFATE. This method relates erosion as a function of shear stress to some
exponential power. The equation for the erosion rate in grams/square
centimeter/second is:
Appendix F LTFATE Model

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