![]() Assays were performed using the 96-well plate
format of the P450RGS screening assay1 with
2,3,7,8-TCDD as a standard (Figure 2) (Appen-
dix II); results are expressed as TCDD TEQs. Re-
sults for standard curves and sediment extracts for
the 96-well plate format and the standard 6-well
plate format (McFarland et al. 1999) were com-
pared. The limit of detection (LOD) was deter-
mined with the same methods used in standard
chemical analysis, i.e., the LOD is calculated as
three times the average replicate standard deviation
above background level. The LOD will vary from
day to day depending on numerous random vari- Figure 2. The P450RGS assay: 96-well plate
ables; the LODs reported in Table 1 are averages
from three separate assays.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The P450RGS assay has been shown to have good reproduci-
bility between laboratories and within a laboratory (McFarland et al. 1999). In the first version of
the assay used at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Environmental
Laboratory (EL), Vicksburg, MS, the cell exposures were conducted in 6-well plates, after which
the cells were lysed and transferred to microcentrifuge tubes. After centrifugation the lysate
supernatants were transferred to a 96-well plate to be read. The protocol for the P450RGS assay
given in Appendix II incorporates advances developed at EL in which all operations are carried out
on the same 96-well plate (Figure 3). These changes reduce the time required for the assay by about
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