![]() ERDC TN-DOER-C15
July 2000
Sample size required. This is distinct from statistical sample size; in this instance sample size
refers to the volume of material that is homogenized and then sampled for analysis. For example, if a
1.8-m (6-ft) core is taken, it will normally be subdivided into smaller sections that are thoroughly
homogenized. Then a very small subsample of each homogenized section is taken for chemical
analysis. Because sediments and the distribution of contaminants within the sediments are typically
very heterogeneous, homogenization volume is a relatively important factor in obtaining data that
are representative of site conditions. Additional information regarding the influence of sample size
and replication in capturing the effects of material heterogeneity is found in Olin-Estes and Palermo
Interpreting and Extrapolating (Estimating) Data. Examining the different ways in which
available data can be grouped and manipulated to reveal trends may be one of the most practical
approaches to determining where to sample and how many samples to take. Isaaks and Srivastava
(1989) present a clear discussion of a number of methods for grouping data and extrapolating
existing data to unsampled points, specifically directed at taking a practical approach to the
application of statistical theory. Although many of these methods will be helpful in maximizing
the information obtainable from a limited data set, the user should be aware that the results obtained
from statistical analysis of the data may differ for different assumptions. Statistical analysis offers
an improvement over "best guess" determinations of parameter distributions, but is not a foolproof
method. One reason in particular is that the geostatistical methods described by Isaaks and
Srivastava (1989) are based on the assumption that the values of interest are spatially continuous.
This is probably a reasonable assumption for natural, undisturbed materials over limited areas. For
disturbed materials, such as dredged material disposed in a CDF, this is a more difficult assumption
to make. However, the distribution of hydraulically placed dredged material in a CDF is a result
of natural processes (settling velocities), assuming the material has not been otherwise disturbed.
Under these circumstances, continuity may be a reasonable assumption for limited areas of the CDF.
For example, gradation of particle size and contaminant levels would be expected in moving from
the inlet area to the outlet of a CDF in which the material is hydraulically placed; two or three distinct
zones might be expected.
Interpreting data.
Univariate Data Data pertaining to a single variable can be presented very simply in a
relative location map (Isaaks and Srivastava 1989). For example, if a uniform grid is imposed
on the sampling area, and a sample taken from the center of each grid, the resulting value for
the parameter of interest can then be superimposed on a map of the area, giving an indication
of spatial distribution. A frequency histogram may also be used to give a quick visual on the
predominantly occurring values. A cumulative frequency table will be useful in illustrating
what percentage of samples fall below a certain threshold; this is a particularly useful
technique where contaminant concentrations are of interest. Tests for normality or lognor-
mality should be conducted as a matter of routine to establish whether or not the distribution
of the data falls within either of these two categories. Typically, environmental data do not,
but this should be done as a matter of practice. Summary statistics, including the mean, range,
minimum, maximum and standard deviation, should be determined for the data, which may
be grouped by zones if that provides a more meaningful result. The spatial distribution of
values will suggest appropriate groupings, if any.
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