![]() ERDC TN-DOER-C15
July 2000
Mean The mean is a measure of central tendency of the data, that is, the central value about which
the data are grouped. There are several different types of means, including the arithmetic mean, the
harmonic mean, and the geometric mean. The arithmetic mean x is most commonly used, but the
harmonic mean H and geometric mean G are important when the data set includes a few very high
or low values that may influence the arithmetic mean (McBean and Rovers 1998). The arithmetic
mean is defined as follows, and has the same units as the individual data observations (e.g., mg/kg):
∑ xi
x = i -1
xi = individual observations (values)
n = the number of observations
The relationship between the different means is as follows:
H≤G≤ x
Median The median is also a measure of central tendency, and may be more reflective of the
center of gravity of a skewed distribution than the mean (Figure I2). The median is found by ranking
the n measurements from smallest to largest. If n is odd, the median is the value with rank (n + 1)/2;
if n is even, the median is the value halfway between the measurements with rank n/2 and n/2 + 1,
that is, the average of the two middle values (Mendenhall and Beaver 1994).
Mode The mode is the most frequently occurring value of the measured variable.
Standard deviation The standard deviation s is a measure of the scatter of the data (how closely
the data are grouped around the central value, the mean). A small standard deviation indicates
closely grouped data with little variability. A large standard deviation indicates data that are widely
variable. The number of standard deviations a value is away from the mean x is an indication of its
probability of occurrence. For example, by the empirical rule, for a data distribution that is
approximately bell shaped (normally distributed, or nearly so), 68 percent of the values will be
within one standard deviation of the mean (x plus n minus s), 95 percent of the values will be within
two standard deviations of the mean, and most or all of the values will be within three standard
deviations of the mean (Figure I3) (Mendenhall and Beaver 1994; McBean and Rovers 1998). A
value falling more than three standard deviations from the mean has a very small probability of
occurrence. Values within one to two standard deviations would be reasonably expected to occur.
This is the predictive value of statistical application to sampling; it allows the data to be extended
to speculate on values expected in unsampled areas. Data with low variability increase the level of
confidence in determining how likely a certain value is to occur, or threshold to be exceeded.
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