![]() ERDC TN-DOER-C22
September 2001
INITIAL SURVEY OF CDFs: A limited survey of USACE Districts was conducted to obtain the
following information on upland CDFs within the United States collected on the sediment before
Contaminant types and levels.
Bioassays of dredged materials.
Freshwater or marine origin.
and after placement into the CDF:
Chemical behavior of contaminants.
Survey of biota.
Bioassays of dredged materials.
Availability of dredged material for bench- and field-scale testing.
Easy accessibility of the CDF.
This initial survey focused on freshwater dredged material. The goal was to identify one site to serve
as an example for testing of inorganics and one other site to serve as an example for testing of
organics. Based on the information collected, three sites in the Great Lakes area with known
predredging contaminant types
and levels were initially selected
for verification of chemical
composition, evaluation of nu-
trient levels, and preliminary
survey of biota: Monroe, MI,
Manitowoc, WI, and Bayport,
WI (Figure 1). The three sites
were visited on 5 and 6 June
2000, their locations were re-
corded (in universal transverse
Mercator coordinates), land-
scape/ vegetation characteristics
were summarized, dredged
material samples were collected
and shipped on ice to the respec-
tive laboratories for chemical/
physical analysis, and other
dredged material samples were
collected for macroinvertebrate
survey purposes.
Figure 1. Upland CDFs initially explored for site selection
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