![]() Technical Note DOER-C3
May 1999
POINT OF CONTACT: For additional information, contact one of the authors, Mr. Richard A.
Price (601-634-3636, pricer1@mail.wes.army.mil) or Dr. Charles R. (Dick) Lee (601-634-3585,
leec@mail.wes.army.mil), or the program managers of the Dredging Operations Environmental
Research Program, Mr. E. Clark McNair (601-634-2070, mcnairc@mail.wes.army.mil) and
Dr. Robert M. Engler (601-634-3624, englerr@mail.wes.army.mil). This technical note should be
cited as follows:
Price, R. A., and Lee, C. R. (1999). "Evaluation of dredged material for
phytoreclamation suitability," DOER Technical Notes Collection (TN DOER-C3), U.S.
Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
American Society for Testing and Materials. (1996). Annual book of ASTM standards. Philadelphia, PA.
Best, E. P. H., Zappi, M. E., Fredrickson, H. L., Sprecher, S. L., Larson, S. L., and Miller, J. L. (1997a). "Screening of
aquatic and wetland plant species for phytoremediation of explosives-contaminated groundwater from the Iowa
Army Ammunition Plant," Technical Report EL-97-2, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
Vicksburg, MS.
Best, E. P. H., Sprecher, S. L., Fredrickson, H. L., Zappi, M. E., and Larson, S. L. (1997b). "Screening submersed plant
species for phytoremediation of explosives-contaminated groundwater from the Milan Army Ammunition Plant,
Milan, Tennessee," Technical Report EL-97-24, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg,
Best, E. P. H., Zappi, M. E., Fredrickson, H. L., Sprecher, S. L., Larson, S. L., and Ochman, M. (1997c). "Screening
of aquatic and wetland plant species for phytoremediation of explosives-contaminated groundwater from the Iowa
Army Ammunition Plant," Ann. N.Y. Sci. 829, 179-194.
Brandon, D. L., Lee, C. R., Skogerboe, J. G., and Wilhelm, G. S. (1991). "Long-term evaluation of plants and animals
colonizing contaminated estuarine dredged material placed in both wetland and upland environments,"
Miscellaneous Paper D-91-5, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Cunningham, S. D., and Lee, C. R. (1995). "Phytoremediation: Plant-based remediation of contaminated soils and
sediments." Bioremediation: Science and applications. Soil Science Society of America, Special Publication 43,
Environmental Laboratory. (1987). "Disposal alternatives for PCB-contaminated sediments from Indiana Harbor,
Indiana; Vol I: Main report," Miscellaneous Paper EL-87-9, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
Vicksburg, MS.
Folsom, B. L., Jr., and Price, R. A. (1989). "A plant bioassay for assessing plant uptake of heavy metals from
contaminated freshwater dredged material," Technical Note EEDP-04-11, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Lee, C. R., Skogerboe, J. G., Eskew, K., Price, R. A., Page, N., et al. (1985). "Restoration of problem soil materials
at Corps of Engineers construction sites," Instruction Report EL-85-2, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Lee, C. R., Folsom, B. L., Jr., and Bates, D. J. (1983). "Prediction of plant uptake of toxic metals using a modified
DTPA soil extraction," Sci. Total Environ. 28,191-202.
Lee, C. R., Tatem, H. E., Simmers, J. W., Skogerboe, J. G., Folsom, B. L., Jr., Price, R. A., Brannon, J. M., Brandon,
D. L., Averett, D. E., and Palermo, M. R. (1992a). "Evaluation of upland disposal of Oakland Harbor, California,
sediment; Volume I: Turning basin sediments," Miscellaneous Paper EL-92-12, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
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