![]() ERDC TN-DOER-C30
February 2003
These hormones function similarly to other steroidal endocrine hormones such as the estrogens or
corticoids in higher organisms. A cascade of events is initiated by binding of the hormones with
receptors within the cytoplasm of cells. When bound, the receptor-hormone complexes are translo-
cated across the nuclear membrane. Activation of DNA by these complexes results in the synthesis
of proteins that regulate molting. Disruption of the molting process by chemicals has been observed.
For example, the PCB mixture Aroclor 1242 (A1242), a common environmental contaminant, has
been shown to drastically inhibit the molting of fiddler crabs (Uca pugilator) (Fingerman and
Fingerman 1977). In the same study octachlorodibenzofuran-exposed crabs molted at about the
same rate as did the controls. Both A1242 and octachlorodibenzofuran bind the AhR and are
active in the P450RGS assay. Aroclor 1242 is a mixture of about 100 PCB congeners, seven
of which are coplanar and bind the AhR. It is these seven that apparently account for all of the
A1242 activity in the P450RGS assay. Considering the lack of molt inhibition observed for
octachlorodibenzofuran which is also coplanar and binds the AhR it appears that the molt-
inhibiting potency of A1242 must reside with the non-coplanar PCB congeners.
In a recent investigation, exposure to a single PCB congener, 2,4,6-trichlorobiphenyl (PCB30),
disrupted molting in crawfish (Jones et al. 2000). This particular congener was chosen because it
was demonstrated to have potent estrogenic effects in juvenile fish (Westerlund et al. 2000), and
there are structural and functional similarities between the estrogen receptor in fish and the
ecdysteroid receptor in arthropods. It was hypothesized that the probable toxic mode of action of
molt disruption by such chemicals involves mimicking ecdysteroids or blocking their normal
receptor binding. PCB30 is not coplanar and does not bind the AhR. Consequently, PCB30 shows
no activity in the P450RGS assay. The implication of this is that environmental PCBs likely have
multiple modes of toxicity, and represent different kinds of hazard to different taxa. For complete-
ness in ecological risk assessments, tests are required with endpoints specific for those different
taxa and hazards.
Sediments contaminated with complex mixtures high in PAHs and metals have been shown to have
severe effects on molting and survival of crustaceans. Peddicord and McFarland (1976) exposed
3- to 4-cm juvenile crabs (Cancer magister) to high concentrations of suspended Oakland Inner
Harbor sediments over a period of 25 days. High mortality resulted, and 92 percent of the deaths
occurred during the molting process. The molt period was abnormally extended, and crabs were
trapped within the old exoskeleton and died. Those that were not killed during molting were
severely deformed and would not likely have survived in the wild. Survivors that were removed
from exposure and maintained in clean water resumed normal molt activity. These results indicate
that environmental contaminants that are characteristic of ship channel sediments can affect the
molting process and by so doing can have serious consequences for survival, growth, and repro-
duction of invertebrate organisms.
CONSTRUCTION OF THE HepG2-EcR CELL LINE: Initial attempts to develop a cell-based
assay for molt-disrupting chemicals were based on a commercially available ecdysone receptor-
based system, the Ecdysone-Inducible Mammalian Expression System (Invitrogen). Functioning
of the system is described at the Invitrogen Tech-Online website (http://www.invitrogen.com/). The
system can be used to study any gene of interest and its products by transiently transfecting it into
isolated human embryonic kidney cells (EcR-293 cell line, Invitrogen) where gene expression can
be triggered by the addition of a foreign agonist, in this case an ecdysteroid. The system was derived
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