![]() ERDC TN-DOER-C30
February 2003
Cultures are available for research purposes only from:
Dr. Laura S. Inouye
USACE Engineer Research and Development Center
Waterways Experiment Station
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, 39180-3909
(601) 634-2910
POINTS OF CONTACT: For additional information, contact Dr. Victor A. McFarland (601-634-
3721, Victor.A.McFarland@erdc.usace.army.mil), Dr. Laura S. Inouye (601-634-2910, Laura.S.
Inouye@erdc.usace.army.mil), Dr. Choo Yaw Ang (601-634-2866, Choo.Y.Ang@erdc.usace.
army.mil), or the Program Manager of the Dredging Operations and Environmental Research
Program, Dr. Robert M. Engler (601-634-3624, Robert.M.Engler@erdc.usace.army.mil). This
technical note should be cited as follows:
McFarland, V. A., Inouye, L. S., and Ang, C. Y. (2003). "A new transgenic cell line for
detection of invertebrate endocrine disrupters: Laboratory protocol for its use," DOER
Technical Notes Collection (ERDC TN-DOER-C30), U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. www.wes.army.mil/el/dots/doer
Fingerman, S. W., and Fingerman, M. (1977). "Effects of a polychlorinated biphenyl and a polychlorinated
dibenzofuran on molting of the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator," Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and
Toxicology 18, 138-142.
Inouye, L. S., and McFarland, V. A. (2000). "Biomarker-based analysis for contaminants in sediments/soil: Review
of cell-based assays and cDNA arrays," DOER Technical Notes Collection (ERDC TN-DOER-C19), U.S. Army
Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. www.wes.army.mil/el/dots/doer
Jones, R. P., Ang, C. Y., and Inouye, L. S. (2002). "Effects of PCB 30 and its hydroxylated metabolites on
ecdysteroid-mediated gene expression," Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 69, 763-770.
Jones, R. P., Steevens, J. A., Ang, C. Y., and Inouye, L. S. (2000). "Effects of PCBs and their hydroxylated metabolites
on ecdysteroid-dependent gene expression and ecdysis in crawfish," Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry 21st Annual Meeting, Abstracts, 266-267.
Peddicord, R. K., and McFarland, V. A. (1976). "Effects of suspended dredged material on the commercial crab, Cancer
magister." Dredging and its Environmental Effects: Proceedings of the Specialty Conference, Mobile, Alabama,
January 26-28, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 633-644.
Westerlund, L., Billsson, K., Andersson, P. L., Tysklind, M., and Olsson, P. E. (2000). "Early life-stage mortality in
zebrafish (Danio rerio) following maternal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and estrogen," Environmental
Toxicology & Chemistry 19, 1582-1588.
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