![]() ERDC TN-DOER-C30
February 2003
SUBCULTURING CELLS (for subculturing one confluent flask of cells)
1) Warm supplemented MEM, trypsin-EDTA, and PBS in 37 C water bath. Place
an aliquot each of Hygromycin B and Zeocin in the alcohol bath.
2) Siphon off old medium from the T-75 flask. Transfer 10 mL of PBS into the flask.
Wait for about 2 min before pipetting off the PBS.
3) Add 3 mL of freshly warmed trypsin-EDTA and place the flask in the incubator
for 5-10 min.
4) Tap sides of the flask sharply to loosen cells (incubate the flask for another
3-5 min if the cells are not detached from the flask).
CAUTION: These cells should not stay in trypsin for more than 15 min.
5) Add 10 mL of MEM. Triturate cell suspension to break up any cell clumps.
6) Place the cell suspension into a sterile 15-mL centrifuge tube.
7) Pipet 200 L of cell suspension into the 1.800 mL of Trypan Blue solution. Count
cells (see "COUNTING CELLS").
8) Centrifuge the 13 mL of cell suspension at 1,000 rpm's for 5 min.
9) Siphon off supernatant medium, being very careful not to remove any of the cell
pellet. Resuspend cell pellet in 10 mL of fresh medium, or any volume
appropriate for an assay.
10) If the cells are not used for an assay, transfer the required volume of cell sus-
pension based on the number of cells counted into a new T-75 flask. Seed about
2 to 3 106 cells per T-75 flask (typically, a flask seeded with 3 106 cells will
be confluent in 4 to 5 days). Add fresh medium to give a total of 15 mL.
11) Pipet 30 L each of 100-mg/mL Hygromycin B and Zeocin solution into the flask.
12) Incubate flask.
1) Transfer 200 L of cell suspension that has been triturated into the test tube
containing 1.800 mL of freshly warmed 0.05 percent Trypan Blue solution.
2) Mix the suspension thoroughly and apply about 10 L to each side of the
hemacytometer under the cover glass.
3) Count cell numbers in 5 sections on both sides of the hemacytometer. The total
number of sections counted should be 10.
4) Add up the number of live and of dead cells for all 10 sections.
5) Multiply the total number of live cells by a factor of 104 to obtain the number of
live cells/mL in the cell suspension. Likewise, the dead cells/mL is obtained by
multiplying by the same 104 factor. The viability of the cell suspension is the
total number of live cells divided by the total (live and dead) number of cells.
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