![]() Technical Note DOER-C9
November 1999
Phytoreclamation of Dredged Material:
A Working Group Summary
PURPOSE: The purpose of this technical note is to summarize the discussions and conclu-
sions of the Phytoreclamation Working Group meeting held at the U.S. Army Engineer
Research and Development Center (ERDC), Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Vicksburg,
MS, March 16-18, 1999. The meeting was held as part of the Dredging Operations Environmental
Research Program, Vegetation Management Work Unit.
BACKGROUND: Dredged material, in simple terms, is nothing more than displaced topsoil that
enters and eventually is removed from navigable waterways. Although contaminant discharges into
waterways over time have resulted in contamination of bottom sediment, only a small percentage
of dredged material is contaminated by definition. Once sediment is removed from a waterway by
dredging, it must be placed outside the navigation channel. One alternative to open water discharge
is confined upland placement. In many areas where dredging is frequent and space for confined
disposal facilities (CDF) is at a premium, the cost for confined upland placement is rising or this
alternative is not available. One solution is to utilize dredged material as a soil resource offsite,
reducing the need for construction of additional CDFs. For contaminated dredged material that
was, has been, or will be determined suitable for upland placement in a CDF, the next logical step
is to make it suitable for reuse offsite as a soil material by reducing contaminant concentrations to
within regulatory compliance concentrations.
The Vegetation Management Work Unit is part of the Contaminated Sediments Focus Area of the
Dredging Operations and Environmental Research (DOER) Program. The focus of the work unit
is to determine vegetation management alternatives that enhance cleanup and reuse and/or minimize
adverse effects of contaminants in upland CDFs. One task in the work unit includes phytoreclama-
tion, the use of plants to reduce contaminant concentrations in dredged material. Phytoreclamation
of dredged material has not previously been considered as a cleanup alternative, and little informa-
tion on application to dredged material is available. Previous efforts in other areas of dredged
material research relied on focussed discussion of a problem and consensus by a working group of
peers. The working group approach resulted in the successful completion of research on contami-
nant mobility in plants and animals at the Blackrock Harbor, Connecticut, CDF, under the Field
Verification Program. Therefore, the same approach was enlisted to evaluate phytoreclamation.
PHYTORECLAMATION WORKING GROUP: A list of potential participants was assembled
from personal knowledge and previous interactions at professional meetings relating to phytorecla-
mation. Selections of participants were made to ensure the working group would have a broad
knowledge base and ability to interact constructively. The participants of the working group and
their affiliation are provided in Table 1. The participants were invited by WES and were selected
based on their professional experience and interest in phytoreclamation vested in sound, scientific
judgment. The newly formed Phytoreclamation Working Group met at WES on March 18-20, 1999.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the issues relating to phytoreclamation of contaminants
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