August 2004
the plastic and liquid limits impact not only the classification but the behavior as well. As an
example, knowing the Atterberg limits enables prediction of the clumping capability in mechani-
cal dredging, which is needed for numerical models such as MDFATE. Laboratory testing
(ASTM 2000b) is required to determine the Atterberg limits. An expedient prediction method is
to conduct a single slump test and apply the following equations:
LL = 52.74 + 0.526W 59.97N
LL = liquid limit percent
W = water content percent
N = normalized slump = slump / cylinder height
Equation 2 is based on a multiple linear regression of 126 data points with R2 = 0.86.
LI = 1.601(W/LL) 0.612
LI = liquidity index
W/LL = water content percent / liquid limit percent
Equation 3 is based on a linear regression of 139 data points with R2 = 0.98.
( LI ) ( LL ) - W
PL =
LI - 1
PL = plastic limit percent
LI = liquidity index
LL = liquid limit percent
W = water content percent
Equation 4 is the standard soil mechanics textbook equation for liquidity index (Atkinson and
Bransby 1978) rearranged for determining the plastic limit. The plasticity index (PI) is then cal-
culated as the liquid limit minus the plastic limit, or
Thus by calculating the liquid limit using the slump test correlation (Equation 2), one may
determine the liquidity index, plastic limit, and the plasticity index. Although Equation 2 is based
on limited data to date with evident variance, there exists a strong correlation between water
content, normalized slump, and the liquid limit.
For a quick assessment of a dredged material's liquid limit consistency without using the stan-
dard test method, insert the sharpened tip of a common No. 2 pencil (with the tip shaved to an
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