![]() ERDC TN-DOER-E17
September 2004
whose primary function is to achieve a final document that outlines a standardized monitoring
protocol for the ILT. The process will begin with the designation of an overall coordinator who
will develop a monitoring plan under the direction of the EWG. Version 1 of the plan will
accomplish the following:
Consolidate and present all current information on ILT monitoring efforts range-wide.
Document site-specific survey protocols.
Identify high-priority tasks for monitoring ILTs.
Propose a schedule for regular analyses and presentations of range-wide monitoring data.
Table 1
Interior Least Tern Monitoring Working Group1
Eileen Kirsch USGS (Chair)
Christopher Brantley USACE New Orleans
David Pashley American Bird Conservancy
Maryetta Smith USACE MVD
Rich Fischer USACE ERDC-EL
Sandy Stiles USACE Tulsa
Casey Kruse USACE Omaha
Mike Larson USGS
Greg Pavelka USACE Omaha
Jane Ledwin USFWS Region 3
Mark Harberg USACE SW Division
Erika Wilson USFWS Region 6
Michael Guilfoyle USACE ERDC-EL
Kevin Stubbs USFWS Region 2
Dan Erickson USACE St. Louis
Carol Aron USFWS Region 6
Champe Green USACE Albuquerque
John Dinan Nebraska (State Rep.)
David Hoover USACE Kansas City
Rochelle Renkin Missouri (State Rep.)
John Rumancik USACE Memphis
Mark Howry Oklahoma Dept. Wildlife
Mark Doles USACE Fort Worth
Ken Jones Dyersburg St. Comm. College
Bob VanHoff USACE Louisville
Roger Boyd Baker University
Support Staff:
Dr. Jonathan Bart Technical Advisor, USGS
Casey Lott Interior Least Tern Monitoring Program Coordinator, American Bird Conservancy
Bruce Vanderlee - Database and GIS technical support, USACE Yankton
Working group established during the Interior Least Tern Research and Monitoring Workshop, April 15-16, 2004, The Mariana
Inn, South Sioux City, NE.
Those noted in bold represent the ILT Executive Working Group focused on finishing this document.
For example, reports on range-wide ILT monitoring efforts will be distributed each year, with
major analyses of trends and progress toward recovery every five years. Version 1 of the plan
will allow all WG and EC members to look at ILT monitoring data comprehensively. This plan
will create several mechanisms for the coordinator to interact with agencies and individuals
involved in monitoring ILTs at a large spatial scale. This will be an important outreach role of
the coordinator. The plan will need periodic updating to reflect increased participation and
insights gained through analyses. Thus, the plan will be an evolving document with several
During preparation of the plan, a centralized database for all current monitoring data will be
developed to incorporate existing data on tern numbers and productivity. This database will be
integrated with the USACE Omaha District's existing ILT and Piping Plover monitoring data-
base (housed in Yankton, SD). Centralized data storage will allow regular analyses of ILT num-
bers and productivity data at various spatial scales. This database and a number of built-in sum-
mary routines will be accessible via the Internet (with password protection) to all members of the
working group.
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