![]() ERDC TN-DOER-E19
March 2005
likely to be confounded by natural resuspension and settlement events, but might detect more
subtle impacts if paired with adequate controls. Longer-term experiments might require an entire
recruitment to grow out with a cycle of months to years.
Appropriate in situ volume scales for measuring impact of sedimentation on
fish/shellfish/SAV. Evaluate the initial mixing zone and extent of any density flows adjacent to
the dredging or disposal event(s). Spatial extent of measurable sedimentation could range from
200-1,000 m away from source, but strongest effects will occur less than 300 m from the source.
Requirements and Limitations of Predictive Models
Resuspension or sedimentation input data needed for validation of models. The
characteristics of resuspension are explicitly provided to all currently operational models (both
the loss rates as well as the production rates are input variables), but there are no models of
resuspension per se unless one considers empirical algorithms as models. However, additional
field data providing a direct measure of suspended material concentrations at various points over
the vertical dimension and at various distances downstream of the operating dredge are always of
value. The increasing use of acoustic techniques should improve three-dimensional (3-D)
understanding of plume structure; if the detail over the vertical is considered, an agreement on
the character of the plume resulting from both hydraulic and mechanical dredging operations
may finally be reached. The achievement of this goal requires close collaboration between
scientists/engineers and dredge operators.
The variety of models detailing sedimentation of materials placed in suspension by dredging
would benefit from direct measures of the resulting deposit characteristics (3-D measurements)
following completion of dredging. This might be best realized by high-resolution measurements
of short-lived radionuclides (e.g., 7Be) from diver-placed cores obtained before and after
dredging at selected points along and across mapped plume trajectory. In some cases, these
measurements could be complemented by sediment profile camera data. These latter
observations might only work if placement of the camera was very accurately controlled (staked
locations, diver deployed) and the thickness of deposition was in excess of ~0.5 cm. The latter
criteria suggest that measurements would be best used in the initial mixing zone the area
characterized by an exponential decrease in suspended material concentration with distance.
Limiting factors in existing models. All models are less than perfect in handling settling
velocities. Because gravitational settling is the primary process driving the resuspended materials
to the bottom, this parameter must be accurately defined. Most of the models struggle with this to
a greater or lesser degree. Work is in progress but more needs to be done.
All of the existing models considered (TASS, SSFATE, STFATE, and DREDGE) are
fundamentally advection/diffusion formulations dealing with the dispersion of sediments
emanating from a source. The sediments are carried by the local flows and settle to the bed. Once
on the bottom they stay in place. There is no consideration of subsequent resuspension and
transport and/or mixing with ambient sediments. This is a major deficiency. Freshly deposited
sediments are subject to nearly immediate resuspension and mixing with the ambient suspended
material field. Such mixing has the potential to significantly reduce the effect of the newly
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