June 2000
imprecise. It varies from a meter or less in highly turbid waters to 30 to 40 m in clear ocean water.
It has limited use in monitoring dredging operations.
Numerous authors have published data that show good correlations between TSS and one or more
types of more easily performed turbidity measurements, or among various types of turbidity and
absorbance measurements, at a specific site (Jones and Wills 1956; Postma 1961; McCarthy, Pyle,
and Griffin 1974; Duchrow and Everhart 1971; Ohira, Nikaido, and Takagi 1987; JBF Scientific
Corporation 1978; Austin 1974). Austin (1974) found that Secchi disk visibility is inversely
proportional to the total surface area of the particles in the water, instead of their weight, but that
organic particles, such as algae, scatter light less than inorganic particles of the same size. Jones
and Wills (1956) found a linear relationship between TSS concentration C and the light attenuation
coefficient α for artificial suspensions, but not for sea water, except at TSS < 10 mg/L. They found
a linear relationship between α and 1/D (where D is the depth of Secchi disk visibility) for sea water
up to α of 3, TSS of 12 mg/L, and D down to 2 m, which implies a linear relationship between C
and 1/D, but only over a limited range. However, all of those relationships are specific to a particular
place, suspension, and time.
The theoretical considerations mentioned earlier prevent any simple, universal relationship between
TSS and turbidity from ever being developed, because they measure different things, and their values
are functions of different variables (Lillycrop, Howell, and White 1996). TSS depends on the total
weight of particles in suspension, and is a direct function of number, size, and specific gravity of
the particles, while turbidity is a direct function of the number, surface area, and refractive index of
the particles, but is an inverse function of their size (for constant TSS).
STANDARDS AND COMMON PRACTICES: The measurement of turbidity is most common
in the water treatment industry (drinking water), because consumers want clear water. Turbidity
standards (0.5 NTU) and goals (0.1 NTU) are primarily for aesthetic reasons, although NTU values
above 1.0 indicate that enough solids may be present to harbor bacteria and impair disinfection.
The primary reason for wanting to use turbidity measurements instead of suspended solids is that
turbidity measurements are quick. Nephelometric turbidity readings can be done in a matter of
minutes. On the other hand, taking a sample, transporting it to the laboratory, filtering it, drying it,
weighing it, and calculating the TSS value can take from 6 to 24 hours. In the meantime, the TSS
of the discharge or water body of interest will have changed.
Most discharge or monitoring permits connected with dredging operations are based on TSS rather
than turbidity, because TSS correlates well with environmental impact and is at least roughly
comparable from site to site and sediment to sediment. A TSS of 100 mg/L at one site would have
approximately the same potential for impact as a TSS of 100 mg/L at another site with very different
sediment size characteristics, because it indicates that approximately the same volume of material
is present. However, a turbidity of 50 NTU with one suspension is not comparable in TSS or
potential for environmental impact to another suspension with a turbidity of 50 NTU, but with a
different size distribution of particles. This comparison assumes that, in either case, no toxic or
otherwise hazardous chemical constituents are adsorbed on the sediment particles. In fact, if such
chemicals are present, they tend to adsorb more on fine particles with high specific surfaces.
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