June 2000
4. Plot TSS as the y-axis versus turbidity as the x-axis.
5. If the plot reveals a relationship that looks linear, calculate the equation for the line of best
fit, of the form y = ax + b and plot it on the graph with the data points, along with the 95
percent confidence limits. If it is not linear, use a nonlinear curve-fitting program.
Open-water disposal. The TSS-turbidity correlation curve for open-water disposal should be
produced in the same manner as that for the effluent from a diked containment area. In this case,
the larger, heavier solids will begin to settle to the bottom immediately upon exiting from the dredge
discharge pipe, hopper, or barge usually in a more or less well-defined plume. The permit limitation
will frequently be on the TSS at the limit of a mixing zone at or near the surface a specified distance
from the discharge. Only those solids that have not settled in the time it takes for water to flow
from the discharge point to the measurement point at the prevailing surface velocity will be present.
The best way to obtain a representative sample of solids that are likely to be in suspension at that
point is with a laboratory column settling test as described previously.
Use of correlation curve for field monitoring. When the dredging or disposal operation is
in progress, samples of water can be taken at the points of compliance specified in the permit and
quickly analyzed for turbidity, even on the sampling boat. TSS can then be estimated directly from
the correlation curve.
The curve produced by this procedure can be used in the beginning phases of the operation to monitor
compliance with TSS standards on a routine basis, and the operation can be stopped or modified if
the turbidity values indicate a TSS standard violation. Some samples will have to be analyzed for
TSS in addition to turbidity to check for actual compliance with the standards, in addition to
estimated compliance. Any samples suggesting noncompliance must be checked. These samples
should also be analyzed for turbidity and the data plotted on the laboratory-produced TSS-turbidity
correlation curve. When sufficient field data are available, the correlation curve should, if necessary,
be recalibrated including the new field data. The recalibrated curve can then be used for the
remainder of the project with even greater confidence.
EXAMPLE: A laboratory column settling test was performed to obtain data for the design of a
dredged material containment area for sediments from Mobile Harbor. Both TSS and turbidity were
measured on the samples taken from the supernatant. The circles plotted in Figure 1 represent these
data, and the solid line is the linear regression line of best fit and represents the laboratory-developed
correlation curve.
When the dredging project was underway, effluent samples were also analyzed for TSS and
turbidity. These data are plotted as triangles in Figure 1, and the dotted line represents the linear
line of best fit.
Using the laboratory-derived solid line, a turbidity of 40 NTU is estimated to represent a TSS of
about 70 mg/L with a range of about 55 to 90 mg/L. The dotted line representing the field data
indicates that a turbidity of 40 NTU represents a TSS of about 52 mg/L with a range of about 25 to
60 mg/L. Although there are obvious differences in the two sets of data, the laboratory and field
correlations are in closer agreement than similar data sets produced by Earhart by analyzing whole
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