May 2000
technical note modified their approach, which examines suspended-sediment impacts in a nonspe-
cific manner, by graphing biological responses as a function of suspended-sediment concentrations
and durations of exposure. This approach facilitates treatment of suspended-sediment effects likely
to occur in association with dredging projects, as illustrated by relevant data for estuarine fish and
shellfish. Data are included from identified studies that reported suspended-sediment concentra-
tions, exposure durations, and a description of the responses of the organisms by taxonomic group
and life history stage. Response categories included the following effects: none, behavioral,
sublethal, and different percentages of mortality. Descriptive accounts of fish and shellfish
responses under various conditions are also given in cases where studies omitted either suspended-
sediment concentrations or durations of exposure, or measured turbidity (Nephelometric Turbidity
Units (NTUs) or Jackson Turbidity Units (JTUs)) rather than suspended-sediments (mg/L). Impacts
related to low dissolved oxygen levels and the release of contaminants are summarized by LaSalle
(1990) and are not addressed in this review. In addition, an extensive review of the salmonid
literature (treated extensively by Newcombe and Jensen 1996), which pertains largely to salmonid
responses in freshwater habitats, was not included. Other anadromous fish, however, are included.
The habitat types represented in laboratory experiments are noted in Table 1.
Table 1
Life history stages and habitats of estuarine and anadromous fishes (excluding
salmonids) for which concentration and duration data are available from
studies that test biological responses to suspended sediments
Blueback herring (fw)
Pacific herring
White perch
Alewife (fw)
American shad (fw)
Bay anchovy
Yellow perch (fw)
Striped bass (fw)
White perch
Sheepshead minnow
Striped bass (fw)
Yellow perch (fw)
Four-spined stickleback
Striped bass
Altantic silverside
Shiner perch
Demersal Eggs
Atlantic herring
White perch (fw)
Striped killifish
and Bottom
American shad (fw)
White perch (fw)
Note: Responses to natural sediments were used where available. Cases where the life history stage occurs in
fresh water are noted by (fw).
A variety of particulate matter including natural silt, Fuller's earth, kaolin clay, incinerator residue,
charcoal, silica, and volcanic ash has been used to test fish and shellfish responses to suspended
sediments. In studies where natural sediments were tested in addition to other sediment types, the
results of the natural sediment tests were used in this review. Because a broad range of species were
tested with Fuller's earth by Sherk et al. (1974), these results are included in this review along with
those elicited by natural sediments.
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