May 2000
Table 2
Life history stages and habitats of shellfish that have been tested for biological
responses to suspended sediment dosages (see Table 1)
Eastern oyster
Eastern oyster
Mysid shrimp
Hard clam
Pacific oyster
Hard clam
Shrimp (P. japonicus)
Benthic and
Spot-tailed sand shrimp
Dungeness crab
Black-tailed sand shrimp
Grass shrimp
Dungeness crab
Demersal Eggs
Coast mussel
Coast mussel
and Sessile
Blue mussel
Blue mussel
Hard clams
Eastern oyster
Soft-shell clam
Hard clam
Surf clam
Bay scallop
Juvenile and Adult Stages
Bivalve Molluscs. Primary mechanisms used by bivalves to deal with high suspended-sediment
concentrations include the reduction of net pumping rates (Foster-Smith 1976) and rejection of
excess filtered material as pseudofeces (Robinson, Wehling, and Morse 1984; Turner and Miller
1991; Hawkins et al. 1996). When suspended-sediment concentrations rise above a threshold at
which bivalves can effectively filter material, a dilution of the available food occurs (Widdows,
Fieth, and Worrall 1979). The responses of suspension-feeding bivalves to relatively low sus-
pended-sediment concentrations are varied. Mussels (Mytilus edulis) (Kiorboe, Mohlenberg, and
Nohr 1981), surf clams (Spisula subtruncata) (Mohlenberg and Kiorboe 1981), and eastern oysters
(Urban and Langdon 1984) exhibit increased growth rates in high algal concentrations after the
addition of silt. Hard clams, however, decrease their algal ingestion with increasing sediment loads
(Bricelj and Malouf 1984), resulting in no difference in their growth rates compared with those of
clams exposed to an algal diet alone (Bricelj, Malouf, and De Quillfeldt 1984). The presence of
suspended clay (20 mg/L) interferes with the ability of juvenile eastern oysters to preferentially
ingest algae, but does not reduce the overall amount of algae ingested (Urban and Kirchman 1992).
The summer growth of European oysters (Ostrea edulis) in the field was enhanced at low levels of
sediment resuspension and inhibited as sediment deposition increased (Grant, Enright, and Griswold
1990). Sediment chlorophyll in suspension at low levels may act as a food supplement, thus
enhancing growth, but at higher concentrations may dilute planktonic food resources and suppress
food ingestion.
The progression of sublethal effects associated with relatively low concentrations is demonstrated
by soft-shelled clams (Mya arenaria) exposed to suspended sediments in the 100- to 200-mg/L
range. The clams first exhibit reduced gape width and partial retraction of their siphons and mantles
over the first 7 days of exposure, a decreased response to mechanical stimuli by 15 days, and
prolonged protrusion of their siphons by day 30 (Grant and Thorpe 1991). In laboratory studies,
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