July 2000
system consists of sensors connected to two primary data collection components: a Dredge-Specific
Software (DSS) component, and a ship-based component (Ship Server). The DSS, Ship Server, and
all shipboard sensors are the property of the contractor, who is also required to maintain them.
The Corps SI software resides on the Ship Server. The DSS collects sensor data, checks these data
against acceptable ranges, computes status of the dredging pumps (on/off) and other equipment,
attaches the name of the project and dredge and contract number to the sensor data, and inserts data
into the central database of the system. The Ship Server maintains a central database for the system,
accepting data in near real-time from the DSS using Corps software. The Ship Server then reviews
the data, computes present dredging activity being performed (dredging, turning, sailing full,
disposing, sailing empty, down, pumpout) and the amount of material recovered, and produces
reports (trip, daily, job) and graphical displays of the data.
The Instrumentation Focus Area is modifying the SI system from its original format (as developed
under the Dredging Research Program) to incorporate various quality assurance procedures, sensor
outputs, and site-specific parameter input (i.e., solids specific density, in situ water density, etc.)
associated with TDS. Figure 8 is an example of the draft and hopper level time-series of the
Figure 8. SI-generated draft and hopper level time-series
McFarland Data Collection. A Pentium class personal computer installed on the McFarland's
bridge collects and displays the forward and aft ullage measurements, draft measurement, vessel
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