August 2000
The Thompson SI System. The Thompson uses the DREDGEPAK software made by Coastal
Oceanographics. This software was modified by Coastal Oceanographics starting in August 1998
to serve as a SI DSS. Additional data were collected during the 1999 dredging season and more
will be collected for the 2000 dredging season. Most of the needed hardware was already available
and installed on the dredge. The Ship Server (a 100 MHz Pentium laptop computer) was provided
by the SI work unit.
Thompson Data Acquisition. As stated earlier, primary data requirements are the corrected
three-dimensional position of the dredge cutterhead, and an indicator of production. As shown in
Figure 3, the Thompson measures horizontal position with a differential Global Positioning System
to translate the antenna position to the horizontal cutterhead position. The vertical cutterhead
position is measured with an angle sensor located on the dredge ladder. This position is corrected
using the river-stage. Although the SI specifications state that these positions should be reported
to the Class 1 survey accuracy standard of one-half foot, this has not yet been verified on the
Figure 3. Instrumentation layout on dredge Thompson
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