August 2000
Table 1
need title
SI Measured
Thompson Daily Report
Percent Difference
Effective Time1
81.0 hours
81.35 hours
Distance advance on 10/1/1999
285.59 m (937 ft)
286.51 m (940 ft)
Cu m (cu yd)/hr
831.83 cu m
831.82 cu m (1088 cu yd)
(1008 cu yd)2
Over entire reporting interval.
Using an in situ density of 1.9 cu cm over entire reporting interval.
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: Good daily documentation of a dredging project is essential.
The SI can help document the position and production state of the dredge. However, some aspects
of the project, such as pipeline length and terminal elevation are best entered manually. The SI
facilitates daily reporting by producing daily reports based on recorded data and allowing the
electronic filing of existing standard dredging forms (such as Engineering Form 4267). Each Ship
Server serves as an Internet gateway, which allows the transfer of these reports to the shore-based
SI via standard internet protocols.
Using the actual performance data provided by the Thompson's DSS, the SI can produce some of
the numbers as shown in Table 1, commonly used by dredging inspectors and managers. Although
dredge surveys provide the final evaluation of dredge production, the SI can provide production
estimates between surveys to help identify potential problems earlier. Also, the detailed production
data from the HPDSI can help to assure that the contractor is operating the dredge in the manner
consistent with District wishes. For example, it may be desirable to maximize the solids concen-
tration of the dredge discharge to reduce the amount of effluent from a confined disposal facility.
The positioning data provide insight to dredging contract administrators and estimators. These data
help confirm estimates of dredge swing rate and width. Although it is usually not in the interest of
the contractor to perform any dredging work outside of the dredge prism, and contractors now have
the tools to accurately position themselves, it is still necessary to assure that the contractor is working
only in designated areas. Overdredging is undesirable especially for jobs where the cost to dispose
of the material is high. The HPDSI provides tools to allow inspectors to review the dredge data
back in the office or on the dredge independent of the DSS software (if the DSS software supports
this playback capability if it can be used as well). Additionally, the detailed SI data can be used to
directly compute the swing and cycle efficiency, which are useful to dredge estimators to compute
the theoretical production capability of the dredge.
The SI provides a means to manage historical data as well. The SI database can contain the daily
reports, raw and computed data, and project and contract tracking information. The SI database
forms the backbone of the Ship Server and shore-based systems. Future technical notes will cover
these capabilities and more advanced and in-depth dredge data analysis, including additional
examples from the HPDSI on the Thompson.
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