March 2001
More specifically, the DPIP provides details to the Corps about the dredge and equipment, data
collection and procedures, and quality control (QC) measures. The DPIP must show how the
contractor will conduct the following tasks:
Gather sensor data
Compute required data elements
Perform quality control on those data
Calibrate and repair sensors/data reporting equipment when they fail
Distribute the sensor data and computed dredge-specific data to the Corps via a standard
Information about dredge dimensions and sensor layouts are needed in the DPIP so that the
Corps can adequately perform a dredge inspection. The SI specifications require that a certified
marine surveyor or architect certify most dredge dimensions.
Additionally, descriptive information about the dredge and SI system equipment (sensors and
computers) must be included in the DPIP. Table 3 lists the different information types required
in the DPIP for hopper and pipeline dredges.
Corps DPIP Approval. Once the contractor submits the DPIP, the Corps reviews the DPIP
within a specified time period (denoted in the SI contract specifications) and gives written
approval. This approval is valid for a certain period of time (one year for example) and can be
transferred between Districts at their discretion. Once written, the contractor should update the
DPIP when sensor upgrades or dredge plant modifications occur.
Contractor-operational SI System. Once the Corps approves the DPIP, the dredging
contractors should have their DSS reporting the required data to the Ship Server within the time
period stipulated in the SI specifications.
Corps SI System Inspection. After the system is made operational, the Corps will schedule
and conduct an onboard SI system inspection to determine if the contractor's DSS is reporting
data according to specifications. Onsite inspection assures the District that the contractor's
instrumentation system (sensors, data acquisition equipment, and software) meets the equipment
and performance requirements given in the SI specifications. The objective of this physical
inspection is to provide the District with confidence that the dredge data meets the specifications
at the time of inspection. The inspection results are documented in a letter report with a copy
furnished to the dredge contractor.
The dredge inspection includes Corps observation of installed SI system equipment, QA checks,
and data results. QA checks are an important aspect associated with SI system implementation.
These checks verify the accuracy and/or consistency of sensor and system performance.
Pre-dredging QA checks provide a basis of comparison for spot checks of the dredge's data
during dredging operations. The QA tests for hopper and pipeline dredges are described as
follows. Welp and Rosati (2000) describe the hopper dredge QA tests in greater detail.
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