March 2001
described must be conducted before dredging begins. However, continued tests and checks of SI
equipment operation must also be conducted throughout dredging operations to ensure that the
contractor's instrumentation system (sensors, data acquisition equipment, and software)
maintains the equipment and performance requirements given in the SI specifications and
established during the dredging inspection.
The SI specifications should include information about the frequency for each QA test to be
conducted during dredging operations. Continued tests, checks, and calibrations will be required
on a regular basis during contract execution, after instrumentation equipment and/or software
repair or modifications, and at arbitrary times based on Corps discretion. These tests are
documented and stored in the SI Shore System database.
Implementation Time Line. The time line for SI system implementation is also an important
element in the implementation process. An adequate time line for implementation ensures that
both the Corps and the dredging contractor can meet all steps in the process. The time that this
process takes will vary from District to District because of different experience levels for the
Corps and contractor personnel involved, and depends on the length of each dredging operation.
In 1999, the U.S. Army Engineer District, Mobile, implemented the SI system and provided a
schedule in the SI specifications for continuing implementation (Table 4).
Table 4
Mobile District Implementation Schedule
Implementation Task
Time Requirement
Preconstruction conference
Scheduled after contract is awarded
Contractor DPIP submittal
Within 60 days after the Corps Notice to Proceed
Corps DPIP review and approval
Within 15 days after contractor DPIP submittal
Corps inspection and approval; Operational SI system
Within 60 days after the Corps Notice to Proceed
Continued QA tests and checks
Scheduled during dredging operations to meet SI
It is expected that future implementations of the SI system process will require less time than the
example schedule provided in Table 4. Most hopper and larger pipeline dredges already have
required instrumentation already onboard, which will speed up the steps of DPIP development
and making the system operational. In addition, once the Corps and dredging contractors gain
experience with SI implementation, the process will become more defined and the time needed
to set up an SI contract will be reduced. The initial contract incorporating the SI specifications
for a District or contractor should be of sufficient duration to allow the contractor the time
needed to meet the SI specification requirements.
Noncompliance with SI Specifications. The Corps' enforcement of noncompliance with
the SI contract specifications is similar to enforcement of other parts of the dredging contract,
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