![]() Technical Note DOER-N4
May 1999
assume with some confidence that the sediment would be stable or mobile, respectively. The
obvious advantage of this grain-size depth of residence tool is that it can be applied quickly and
easily to estimate the depth of motion of sediments for given hydrodynamic conditions.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This m e th o d i s b a s e d o n r e s e a r c h b y D r . N o r m S c h e f f n e r ,
Ms. Michelle Thevenot, Mr. James Tallent, and Mr. John Mason while developing the LTFATE
model under the Dredging Research Program. Their contributions are gratefully acknowledged.
POINT OF CONTACT: The model or additional information can be obtained by from one of the
authors, Dr. Joe Gailani (601-634-4851, j.gailani@cerc.wes.army.mil), Mr. Jack Davis (601-634-
3006, j.davis@cerc.wes.army.mil), Ms. Cheryl Pollock (601-634-4029, c.pollock@cerc.wes.army.
mil), or the managers of the Dredging Operations Environmental Research Program, Mr. E. Clark
McNair (601-634-2070, mcnairc@wes.army.mil) and Dr. Robert M. Engler (601-634-3624,
englerr@wes.army.mil). This technical note should be cited as follows:
Gailani, J., Davis, J., and Pollock, C. (1999). "MODEL: Sediment grain-size depth of
residence," DOER Technical Notes Collection (TN DOER-N4), U.S. Army Engineer
Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. www.wes.army.mil/el/dots/doer
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