July 2000
Figure 1. Bearing capacity factors of safety for different thicknesses of sand cap as a function of soil
undrained shear strength (to convert soil shear strength to Pascals, multiply by 47.88)
Table 2
Soil Stregnth Required for Different Bearing Capacity Factors of Safety
Soil Strength, Pa (lbf/ft2)
Sand Cap Thickness
FOS = 1.0
FOS = 3.0
0.3 m (1 ft)
,383 (8)
1,149 (24)
0.6 m (2 ft)
,766 (16)
2,298 (48)
1 m ,(3.3 ft)
1,245 (26)
3,687 (77)
If the dredged material to be capped is too soft initially to sustain a full cap thickness, it may be
possible to construct a coherent cap in thinner lifts, i.e., use staged construction of the cap. After
placement of a portion of the cap, the dredged material will consolidate under the load and will gain
strength with time. Then the process could be repeated with additional capping material being
placed and further consolidation of the dredged material allowed to occur. In this manner, it should
be possible to design staged cap construction even for very soft sediments, so that the risk of bearing
capacity failures can be minimized.
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