July 2000
Techniques were presented for analyzing the stability of subaqueous dredged material deposits,
whether or not caps are used. Various shapes and locations of potential failure surfaces must be
analyzed to determine the most critical potential failure plane.
Methods for analyzing the consolidation potential of CAD deposits were recommended. Use of
finite (large) strain consolidation theory is necessary for these soft materials. Consideration must
be given to potential consolidation of not only the contaminated dredged material, but also of the
foundation soils and the capping material.
The behavior of dredged materials placed in contained aquatic disposal sites is a complex geotech-
nical phenomenon that is poorly understood. However, as more studies are undertaken and
significant amounts of geotechnical data are produced, knowledge of these deposits and ability to
predict their behavior both for consolidation and stability will improve.
POINTS OF CONTACT: For additional information, contact the author, Dr. Marian P. Rollings
(601-634-2952, rollinm@wes.army.mil), or the Program Manager of the Dredging Operations and
Environmental Research Program, Dr. Robert M. Engler (601-634-3624, englerr@wes.army.mil).
This technical note should be cited as follows:
Rollings, M. P. (2000). "Geotechnical considerations in contained aquatic disposal
design," DOER Technical Notes Collection (ERDC TN-DOER-N5), U.S. Army Engineer
Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. www.wes.army.mil/el/dots/doer/
American Society for Testing and Materials. (1999a). "Standard test method for field vane shear test in cohesive soil,"
Designation D 2573, 1999 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 04.08, West Conshohocken, PA.
American Society for Testing and Materials. (1999b). "Standard test method for laboratory miniature van shear test
for saturated fine-grained clayey soil," Designation D 4648, 1999 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 04.08,
West Conshohocken, PA.
American Society for Testing and Materials. (1999c). "Standard test method for one-dimensional consolidation
properties of soils," Designation D 2435, 1999 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 04.08, West
Conshohocken, PA.
Cargill, K. W. (1983). "Procedures for prediction of consolidation in soft fine-grained dredged material," Technical
Report D-83-1, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Cargill, K. W. (1985). "Mathematical model of the consolidation/desiccation processes in dredged material," Technical
Report D-85-4, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Clausner, J. E., Lillycrop, L. S., McDowell, S. E., and May, B. (1998). "Overview of the Mud Dump Capping Project
design," Proceedings, XVth World Dredging Congress, WEDA, Las Vegas, NV.
Edris, E. V., and Wright, S. G. (1992). "UTEXAS3 slope-stability package," Instruction Report GL-87-1, 4 volumes,
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
ENSR. (1997). "Summary of capping investigations," BHNIP Independent Observer Report I/O-9703, ENSR
Document Number 4479-001-120 prepared for Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Agency, Executive
Office of Environmental Affairs, Boston, MA, by ENSR, Acton, MA.
Gibson, R. E., England, G. L., and Hussey, M. J. L. (1967). "The theory of one-dimensional consolidation of saturated
clays; I. Finite, non-linear consolidation of thin homogeneous layers," Geotechnique 17, 261-273.
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