August 2000
The time required for the material to completely recover its original hydraulic shear strength is
apparently on the order of months, but appreciable decreases in erodibility occur after a week or so
of standing. Thus, the underflow and deposit are most susceptible to erosion during and shortly
after the disposal operation.
CONCLUSIONS: Presently some generalizations can be made about underflow spreading, but
more definitive information requires site-specific information and analytic procedures. Important
factors include: sediment composition, rheological and erosional characteristics, bed topography,
ambient currents and waves. As mentioned earlier, cohesive underflow can freeze, and thus deposit
en masse. Particle deposition can also occur from an underflow depending on bed shear stress.
Under DOER a work unit "Modeling Dispersion from Pipeline Disposals," methods of analysis for
pipeline discharges are being developed into a numerical model that will include many of the
aforementioned processes. Products from this work unit will combine available process description
for stripping during descent, jet entrainment and trajectory, turbulent and laminar underflow
spreading, entrainment of water into the turbulent underflow, entrainment of the underflow into the
water column, consolidation by settling of the underflow, deposition from the underflow, age, and
grain characteristics of the deposited strata, and consolidation and erosion of the deposited bed. An
important factor is bed slope and it will be described in a spatially- and temporally-varying manner.
Interfaces will be developed between these products and the newly developed SSFATE such that
multiple-grain-class suspended plumes can be predicted.
POINTS OF CONTACT: For additional information, contact Mr. Allen Teeter (601-634-2820,
teeter@hl.wes.army.mil), or the Program Manager of the Dredging Operations Environmental
Research Program, Dr. Robert M. Engler (601-634-3624, englerr@mail.wes.army.mil). This tech-
nical note should be cited as follows:
Teeter, A. M. (2000). "Underflow spreading from an open-pipeline disposal," DOER
Technical Notes Collection (ERDC TN-DOER-N7), U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. www.wes.army.mil/el/dots/doer
Chou, L., Cialone, M., Dorth, M., Ebersole, B., Fleming, B., Gailani, J., Gravens, M., Hall, R., Johnson, B., Letter, J.,
Nail, G., Scheffner, N., Smith, J., Teeter, A., Thompson, E., and Vemulakonda, R. (1998). "Dredged Material
Management Plan (DMMP) for the Port of New York and New Jersey - modeling studies to support island CDF
and constructed CAD pit design," Draft Interim Report, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
Vicksburg, MS.
Coussot, P., and Proust, S. (1996). "Slow, unconfined spreading of a mudflow," Journal of Geophysical Research,
101(B11), 25, 217-25,229.
JBF Scientific Corp. (1978). "An analysis of the functional capabilities and performance of silt curtains," Technical
Report D-78-39, U.S.Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Huang, X., and Garcia, M. H. (1998). "A Herschel-Bulkley model for mud flow down a slope," Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, 374, 305-333.
Johnson, B. H., Teeter, A. M., Wang, H. V., Cerco, C. F., and Moritz, H. R. (1999). "Modeling the fate and water
quality impact of the proposed dredged material placement at Site 104," Technical Report CHL-99-2, U.S.Army
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
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