![]() Technical Note DOER-R1
September 1998
Dredging/Dredged Material
Management Risk Assessment
PURPOSE: This technical note explains the use of risk assessment to facilitate dredged material
management decision-making in navigable waterways by U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE)
project managers and field operations personnel. The document does not promote risk assessment
as a tool for use in every dredged material management decision. It is likely to be most useful, and
most used, in those cases that constitute the exception rather than the rule. The use of risk assessment
is intended to supplement the analytical options currently available to dredged material managers
by building on the existing technical framework (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA)/USACE 1992) and the existing tiered approaches (USEPA/USACE 1991, 1998).
BACKGROUND: Scientific advancements have made possible the collection of large amounts
of complex information regarding the environmental aspects of dredging and dredged material
disposal. The dredged material manager must often use "best professional judgement" to weigh
multiple and sometimes conflicting lines of evidence to reach a decision. Environmental risk
assessment provides a stepwise framework for the integration of complex information to yield
quantifiable estimates of risk including uncertainty. In addition, risk assessment allows the dredged
material manager to make explicit the types of information considered and how a decision is reached
regarding the suitability of a dredged material for a particular management option.
INTRODUCTION: This document describes the general components of risk assessment; provides
an overview of the risk assessment option as applied to the dredged material management process;
and describes various technical documents being prepared or planned to help the USACE field
operations staff implement the risk assessment option.
RISK ASSESSMENT: Often, and contrary to a USEPA directive to be transparent, discussion
of risk assessment is obscured with technical jargon and "terms of art." This document attempts to
provide nontechnical definitions for such terms and emphasizes the initial use of the term in bold
stressor (e.g., a chemical or physical condition) upon the health of individual humans or the
environmental well being of a population or community of animals and plants. The former is called
human health risk assessment, and the latter ecological risk assessment. Subsequent sections
describe how these two categories of risk assessment differ.
Risk assessment in its more common manifestations is an often used, although not necessarily
formally recognized, component of the dredged material management decision-making process.
For example, Peddicord et al. (1997) note that the present procedure for evaluating water column
impacts in dredged material evaluations (USEPA/USACE 1991, 1998) is an application of
ecological risk assessment.
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