![]() Technical Note DOER-R1
September 1998
risk assessments; a description of food chain models useful in risk assessment; summaries of
the toxicology of likely contaminants of concern at dredged material management sites; and
an approach to weight of evidence.
The USACE ERED database. USACE has an on-line Environmental Residue-Effects Data-
base (ERED), which summarizes by organism and chemical some toxicological effects
associated with specific levels of contaminants in tissue. This database is operating and
accessible on-line through the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Dredging
Operations Technical Support (DOTS) home page (http://www.wes.army.mil/el/dots).
Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment Guidance for Upland Sites. This document
will be similar to the guidance for aquatic sites, but will address risk assessment at upland
management sites.
Guidance for Assessing "Non-Contaminant" Impacts at Dredged Material Management
Sites. This document will provide guidance for applying risk assessment methods at sites
where the sources of impact are physical disturbances. These may include suspended
sediments, habitat alteration, or operational interference with critical life stages or functions
requiring the development of "environmental windows" into the operational schedule.
Guidance for Incorporating Quantitative Uncertainty and Probabilistic Analyses into Risk
Assessment at Dredged Material Management Sites. This document will provide guidance
for incorporating probabilistic assessment into the estimates of risk characterization.
Guidance for Comparative Risk Assessment. Comparative risk assessment is of particular
importance to risk management when attempting to distinguish among several sites or several
management technologies at a site. This document will describe methods for comparing
ecological and human health risks among management alternatives.
POINTS OF CONTACT: Authors are Drs. David W. Moore, formerly of WES; Todd S. Bridges,
WES; and Jerome Cura, Menzie-Cura and Associates, Inc. For additional information, contact
Dr. Bridges (601-634-3626, bridget@mail.wes.army.mil), or the managers of the Dredging
Operations and Environmental Research Program, Mr. Clark McNair (601-634-2070,
mcnairc@mail.wes. army.mil) and Dr. Robert Engler (601-634-3624, englerr@mail.wes.army.mil).
This technical note should be cited as follows:
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. (1998). "Use of risk assessment
in dredging and dredged material management," Technical Note DOER-R1, Vicksburg,
Cullinane, M. J., Averett, D. E., Shafer, R. A., Male, J. W., Truitt, C. L., and Bradbury, M. R. (1986). Guidelines for
selecting control and treatment options for contaminated dredged material requiring restrictions," prepared for the
Puget Sound Dredged Material Disposal Analysis by U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
Vicksburg, MS.
National Research Council. (1983). Risk assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the process. National
Academy Press, Washington, DC.
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