December 2001
to be built within ARAMS for common dredging and disposal operations to facilitate rapid
application of the risk assessment system.
INTRODUCTION: To accomplish this objective several existing support programs and databases
were integrated in FRAMES under ARAMS (Dortch 2001). ARAMS/FRAMES contained tools for
conducting human health and ecological risk assessment, including the Multimedia Environmental
Pollution Assessment System (MEPAS) for conducting human health risk, the Wildlife Ecological
and Assessment Program (WEAP) for conducting ecological risk, and a database containing
chemical-specific parameters required for fate/transport, uptake, and human health effects as defined
by Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (HEAST) and Integrated Risk Information System
(IRIS). The ADDAMS programs for computing aquatic exposure concentrations, RECOVERY,
DREDGE, and Thermodynamic Bioaccumulation Potential (TBP), and the databases for aquatic
ecological effects, Environmental Residue Effects Database (ERED) and Biota Sediment Accumu-
lation Factor (BSAF), were added to ARAMS/FRAMES for the evaluation of no-action and
dredging impacts.
Figure 2 shows an example of the FRAMES Conceptual Site Model (CSM) interface where the user
formulates the problem (builds a conceptual model for assessing the risk). In the conceptual model
the user selects chemical properties, exposure and uptake parameters, receptors, and effects data,
which are linked with various models. The user then chooses a source model and links it with fate
and transport models to compute exposure and uptake. The exposure and uptake models are linked
with effects assessment and risk characterization models. FRAMES contains the compartmented
MEPAS model.
The implementation of the tools and the development of the no-action and dredging scenarios using
RECOVERY, TBP, BSAF, DREDGE, and ERED are explained in greater detail in the following
RECOVERY. RECOVERY is a PC-based screening-level model to assess the impact of contami-
nated bottom sediments on surface waters. RECOVERY was developed for modeling hydrophobic
organic contaminants with a well-mixed water column, but it has been successfully applied to sites
with a variety of contaminants. Contaminants are assumed to follow linear, reversible, equilibrium
sorption and first-order decay kinetics. RECOVERY generates long-term time series of the
concentration profile of contaminants in the sediment and the water column as well as the theoretical
bioaccumulation potential for organisms. These concentrations provide the exposure predictions
for use in risk characterization.
The RECOVERY model incorporated in ARAMS is an extension of versions developed and
modified previously (Ruiz and Gerald 2001; Boyer et al. 1994). As shown in Figure 3, the system
is idealized as a well-mixed surface water layer underlain by a vertically stratified sediment column.
The sediment is uniform horizontally but segmented vertically into a well-mixed surface layer and
deep sediment. The latter, in turn, is segmented into layers of user-defined thicknesses, properties,
and contaminant concentrations underlain by a clean region. The discretized sediment layer
configuration is useful for modeling capping projects and sites where contamination occurred over
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