b. No-action conceptual model for
a. No-action pathway scenario
Figure 7. Conceptual model for the no-action scenario
Figure 8 shows the no-action scenario as implemented in ARAMS/FRAMES. Implementation of
the scenario begins with selection of the contaminants of concern and the receptor species. In the
generic scenario, the contaminant properties are selected from the FRAMES chemical database, and
ecological benchmark data for the chemical effects on receptors are selected from the ERED
database. Next, the source module, RECOVERY, is selected to describe the initial conditions in
the water column and temporal loadings from nonpoint sources, point sources, and inflow. The
source module is linked with the surface water module. The RECOVERY model was selected to
model the contaminant interactions between the sediment, water column, and atmosphere, as shown
in Figure 7b, because of its flexibility and ease of use. Output from RECOVERY was linked to
ecological and human exposure models within FRAMES.
TBP is the ecological exposure model used to assess the effects of exposure to the contaminated
sediments and water on biota. The TBP model contains a BSAF database for selecting lipid fractions
for the receptor species and BSAF values for the contaminants of concern. TBP then estimates biota
body burden in equilibrium with contaminated sediments and water for all of the receptors and
contaminants of concern. The TBP model is linked with the ecological effects module to estimate
the risks associated with the body burdens.
WEAP is the ecological effects model used to estimate the risk as an ecological hazard quotient or
a probability of exceedance of ecological effects criteria. WEAP compares the biota body burden
against the effects levels from the ERED database. The model can also make simple comparisons
or can estimate statistical violations of criteria over given periods of time. It summarizes and
classifies the effects.
MEPAS is the human health exposure model used to calculate the exposure concentrations in media
(air, water, soil, and food) that will be exposed to humans (Buck et al. 1995). The concentrations
are passed to the MEPAS receptor intake module where the exposure doses are computed.
Additionally, the TBP model passes exposure concentrations of aquatic organisms for human
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