Contaminants from Aged Dredged Material Using Plants and Worms"">
September 2004
Indiana Harbor
Figure 1. Indiana Harbor Canal, IN, from which the dredged material for the tests originated
A control substrate served as a test to verify performance of the plants; five replicates at a
36-percent moisture level were tested. The plant study included a total of 55 units. For each unit,
0.230 g L. perenne seeds were weighed and placed on top of 1 L of the appropriate substrate
mixture contained in 2-L plastic pots. Plants were amended with slow-release Osmocote
fertilizer after 10 days to attain target levels of 352 kg N ha-1, 59.2 kg P ha-1 and 331.9 kg K ha-1,
commonly used for pastures (Best and Jacobs 2001). Plants were allowed to grow for 59 days
prior to harvesting. Seeds germinated synchronously, as was verified before the onset of the
tests. C. esculentus, initially considered as another suitable candidate for a plant test species, was
not used for the current tests, because attempts to enhance and synchronize germination of its
tubers were unsuccessful.
Animal Tests. Animal tests used the same treatments as the plant tests, but were carried out at
only one moisture level, 36 percent. The invertebrate study included a total of 30 units. For each
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