September 2004
CdCl2, B[a]P, and TCE, respectively. Results showed a similar decrease in the numbers of genes
that responded in a consistent manner across all doses, with 18 consistent genes for TCDD, 2 for
PCBs, and 14 for PAHs. There was no overlap between the consistently responding genes for the
three compounds/mixtures tested; gene ID, dose-related responses, and statistical data can be
found in Appendix B. The existence of these unique genes whose expression is consistently
affected by exposure to contaminants provides support for the hypothesis that gene expression
can be used to detect and identify chemical classes of contaminants by their MOAs as evidenced
by gene expression in environmental samples.
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS: Gene expression profiles for the tested
contaminants and contaminant mixtures appear to be characteristic of the test compounds and
consistent over a large dose range, and thus may be useful for toxicant identification in field
samples. However, confirmation of the gene responses via a secondary methodology such as RT-
PCR is necessary. Additionally, in order to make this approach useful in simultaneously
detecting multiple contaminants in environmental samples, testing chemical mixtures with mixed
MOAs (e.g. combined exposure to PAHs and TCDD) is needed to determine whether the
fingerprints are additive, and whether interactions between the contaminant classes alter the
contaminant-specific responses observed and reported herein.
The number of potentially unique, dose-responsive genes is small enough to allow for the
generation of a smaller customized array, or development of more rapid/less expensive methods
for quantifying them (RT-PCR, glass arrays, etc.). If the expression fingerprints remain intact in
exposures to the more complex mixtures found in environmental samples, it may be possible to
rapidly assess the presence of multiple contaminants in a single assay (presence of unique
expression fingerprint), as well as to assess the severity of the contamination (intensity of
alterations in gene expression).
POINTS OF CONTACT: For additional information, contact one of the authors, Dr. Laura S.
Inouye, (601) 634-2910, ; or Dr. Victor A. McFarland,
(601) 634-3721, , or the Manager of the Dredging
Operations and Environmental Research Program, Dr. Robert M. Engler, (601) 634-3624,
This technical note should be cited as follows:
Inouye, L. S., Ang, C. Y., and McFarland, V. A. (2004). "Development of gene
expression fingerprints for identification of environmental contaminants using DCNA
arrays," DOER Technical Notes Collection (ERDC TN-DOER-R4), U.S. Army Engineer
Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. www.wes.army.mil/el/dots/doer.
Ang, C. Y., Inouye, L. S., McCant, D. D., and McFarland, V. A. (2000). "Protocols for a rapid
clean-up/extraction procedure and an improved P450RGS dioxin screening assay for sediments,"
DOER Technical Notes Collection (ERDC TN-DOER C10), U.S. Army Engineer Research and
Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. www.wes.army.mil/el/dots/doer.
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