February 2000
Innovations in Dredging Technology:
Equipment, Operations, and Management
PURPOSE: This technical note describes the management approach used to identify currently
existing innovative dredging technologies that may be suitable for use by the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers in navigation and dredging activities. A summary of current developments in European
dredging and channel maintenance technologies is presented. Also, a Corps invention, the telescop-
ing weir, is introduced as the currently emerging technology with direct application to navigation
dredging projects.
BACKGROUND: The Dredging Operations and Environmental Research Program (DOER) has
identified six applied research focus areas for development of technology, methodology, and
techniques that ensure operational and environmental issues of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(Corps) dredging program are addressed adequately and efficiently. In the past, there has been no
programmatic or systematic approach to ensure adequate demonstration, evaluation, and reporting
of new or innovative dredging technology application. Therefore, the Innovative Dredging Tech-
nology Focus Area emphasizes identifying and cataloging innovative dredging operations, proc-
esses, or equipment and techniques newly developed by dredging and dredging-related industries
INTRODUCTION: In the DOER Program, innovative dredging technology means improved
dredging technology that does not require research and development. These technologies are "off
the shelf" products. Candidate technologies with the greatest potential will be demonstrated in the
field with DOER providing scientific and engineering expertise for monitoring and evaluating the
results using the following criteria:
Corps navigation dredging program needs.
Positive benefits versus costs.
High probability of implementation.
Availability of a co-sponsor.
Candidate technologies must show a high potential for increasing efficiency/productivity of the
dredging operations to be considered for demonstration.
FOCUS AREA APPROACH: The following approach is used to identify and demonstrate
innovative dredging technologies and management techniques in cooperation with Corps field
Identify foreign and domestic government and commercial technologies.
Evaluate technologies for possible implementation in Corps navigation projects.
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