December 2001
"Many challenges still lie ahead for the dredging industry. Some of these challenges are
technology based while others involve developing improved confidence and better
working relations with the cleanup authorities, problem owners, and the public. Working
with organizations like PIANC and WEDA through sessions like we have experienced
today can help us realize that dredging contractors will be able to respond to whatever
the demands are of environmental dredging projects in the future."
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The author would like to acknowledge the following individuals:
Speakers in order of presentations:
Paul Doody, Blasland, Bouck, and Lee, Inc.
Ancil Taylor, Bean Environmental, Inc.
Bob Paulson, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
John Henningson, Hart Crowser, Inc.
Mike Crystal, Sevenson Environmental Services
Norman Francingues, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Session organizers:
Norman Francingues, Chairman, Publications Committee, U.S. Section, PIANC
Phillip Spadaro, Hart Crowser, Inc., Director of Ports and Harbor Services
The sponsors of the workshop include the following:
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Dredging Operations and
Environmental Research Program
U.S. Section of PIANC
POINTS OF CONTACT: For additional information contact the author of this technical note,
Norman R. Francingues (601-634-3703, ), or the
Program Manager of the Dredging Operations and Environmental Research Program, Dr. Robert
M. Engler (601-634-3624, ). This technical note should be
cited as follows:
Francingues, N. R. (2001). " Special PIANC Session on Environmental Dredging,"
DOER Technical Notes Collection (TN-DOER-T4), U.S. Army Engineer Research and
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