![]() Framework for Dredged Material Management
May 2004
2.4.3 Categories of Beneficial Use
Beneficial use includes a wide variety of options, which utilize the material for
some productive purpose. Dredged material is a manageable, valuable soil resource, with
beneficial uses of such importance that they should be incorporated into project plans and
goals at the project's inception to the maximum extent possible.
Ten broad categories of beneficial uses have been identified, based on the
functional use of the dredged material or site. They are:
Habitat restoration/enhancement (wetland, upland, island, and aquatic sites
including use by waterfowl and other birds).
Beach nourishment.
Parks and recreation (commercial and noncommercial).
Agriculture, forestry, and horticulture.
Strip mine reclamation and landfill cover for solid waste management.
Shoreline stabilization and erosion control (fills, artificial reefs, submerged
berms, etc.).
Construction and industrial use (including port development, airports, urban,
and residential).
Material transfer (fill, dikes, levees, parking lots, and roads).
Multiple purpose.
Opportunities for beneficial use applications under each of these categories are
discussed in Chapter 6. Detailed guidelines for various beneficial use applications are
given in Engineer Manuals (USACE 1983, 1986 and in preparation). Additional
information and case studies on beneficial use are available at the following website,
which is a collaborative effort between USACE and USEPA:
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