![]() Framework for Dredged Material Management
May 2004
dredged material. Procedures to evaluate the required surface area and volume during
active filling operations, to estimate effluent suspended solids concentrations, and to
design other features for CDFs are described in engineer manuals (USACE 1983, 1987
and in preparation). Expert systems for evaluation of initial storage capacity and solids
retention are described in Hayes and Schroeder (1992).
5.2.3 Long-Term Storage Capacity
In addition to initial capacity during active filling, an evaluation of long-term
storage capacity is required if a CDF is intended for use over multiple dredging cycles.
The long-term storage capacity of a given site is dependent on the material consolidation
and desiccation properties, climate, and operational conditions. Procedures to evaluate
long-term storage capacity of CDFs are provided in Engineer Manuals (USACE 1983,
1987 and in preparation). Expert systems for evaluation of long-term consolidation are
described in Schroeder et al. (2004).
5.2.4 Need for Management Actions
If the evaluation of direct physical impacts and evaluation of site capacity indicate
that the site is adequate, the remaining assessments can be conducted. If the evaluations
of direct physical impacts and site capacity indicate unacceptable impacts will result or
that site capacity is inadequate, management actions can be considered.
Management actions to minimize physical impacts of CDF construction may
include site management to reduce effluent solids discharge or dewatering of dredged
material between filling operations to extend capacity and reduce the need for a larger
site. Management actions are described in paragraph 5.4. If the management actions are
determined to be effective, the remaining assessments can then be conducted. If not, then
the confined-disposal alternative at the site under consideration should be eliminated.
5.3 Evaluation of Contaminant Pathways of Concern for CDFs
If the initial evaluation of sediment contamination described in paragraph 3.5.3
reveals that contaminants are not of concern for specific pathways, then no additional
contaminant testing is required for those pathways. However, if contaminants are of
concern, an analysis of appropriate pathways must be conducted that may include
possible testing.
5.3.1 Contaminant Pathways for CDFs
The possible migration pathways of contaminants from confined disposal
facilities in the upland environment are illustrated in Figure 5-1. These pathways include
effluent discharges to surface water during filling operations and subsequent settling and
dewatering, rainfall surface runoff, leachate into groundwater, volatilization to the
atmosphere, and direct uptake. Direct uptake includes plant uptake and subsequent
cycling through food webs and direct uptake by animal populations living in close
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