![]() Framework for Dredged Material Management
May 2004
improved by increased value of acreage leased to dredging project sponsors because land-
owners could enter separate and profitable lease agreements with aquaculturists. See also
section 6.2.1.
6.2.4 Parks and Recreation
Of all types of beneficial uses, recreation on dredged material containment sites is
one of the most prevalent land uses in terms of actual acres. It is not surprising to find
many examples of such use since there is such a demand for recreational sites in urban
areas where much dredging occurs. The nature of recreation sites with requirements for
open space and lightweight structures is especially suited to the weak foundation
conditions associated with fine-grained dredged material. Recreational land also is
generally for public use, and high demand for public water-oriented recreation
encourages the development of recreational land use projects on dredged material.
Finally, legislation relating to wetlands, coastal zone management, and flood control is
biased in favor of this type of use. The recreational land use of dredged material
containment sites is one of the more promising and implementable beneficial uses of
dredged material, but is heavily dependent on financial backing at the local level.
6.2.5 Agriculture, Horticulture, and Forestry
Broad use of dredged material disposal sites has been made by the agriculture,
forestry, and horticulture industries. Some disposal sites, especially in river systems, have
provided livestock pastures following seeding or even natural colonization. Other uses
involve actively incorporating dredged material into marginal soils. An attractive
alternative for disposing of dredged material is to use this rich material to amend
marginal soils for agriculture, forestry, and horticulture purposes. By the addition of
dredged material, the physical and chemical characteristics of a marginal soil can be
altered to such an extent that water and nutrients become more available for crop growth.
In some cases, raising the elevation of the soil surface with a cover of dredged material
6.2.6 Strip Mine Reclamation and Landfill Cover for Solid Waste
Two beneficial uses of dredged material that are still fairly new concepts have
proven to be feasible in laboratory and field tests. These are the reclamation of
abandoned strip mine sites that are too acidic for standard reclamation practices and the
covering of solid waste landfills. Both uses would require large quantities of dewatered
dredged material that could be moderately contaminated and still be acceptable. Both
uses would ultimately provide nonconsumptive vegetative cover to unsightly areas, and
the areas could be further reclaimed for minimal-use recreation sites and/or wildlife
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