![]() Framework for Dredged Material Management
May 2004
Chapters 3 through 6 provide an objective framework for evaluating the
environmental acceptability of various management alternatives. In most cases, these
evaluations may result in one or more open-water, confined, or beneficial use alternatives
that clearly meet all applicable environmental standards and criteria and are, therefore,
environmentally acceptable. This chapter describes the alternative selection process. As
shown in Flowchart 3-1, the alternative selection process includes evaluation of socio-
economic, technical, management, and other environmental considerations, selection of a
preferred alternative, and appropriate environmental coordination and documentation.
7.1 Evaluation of Socioeconomic, Technical, and Other Applicable
Environmental Considerations
Over 30 major environmental statutes, Executive orders, and government
regulations exist that may, on a case-by-case basis, govern the manner in which dredged
material is managed and/or disposed. The major statutes are discussed in more detail in
Appendix B; however, procedures for meeting the requirements of these statutes are
beyond the scope of this document. While the intent of the statutes and this management
framework is to afford maximum environmental protection to each specific
environmental resource at potential risk, this must be pursued within the broader context
of overall environmental protection.
A final decision on the alternative or alternatives selected for a specific navigation
project or permit activity often requires weighing and balancing a much broader set of
relevant environmental, engineering, and economic factors. An in-depth discussion of
these broader decision-making principles is beyond the scope of this document, and the
reader is referred to applicable USACE regulations (33 CFR 320-330; 33 CFR 335-338;
ER 1105-2-100) for further guidance and information on procedures used by the USACE
in its required public interest analysis. However, several of these decision-making
concepts and considerations are particularly relevant to this document and to
considerations under NEPA, CWA, and MPRSA, and warrant a limited discussion.
7.1.1 Authorized Project Purposes
Navigation project status (i.e., new work or maintenance) may often influence the
range of available management alternatives for dredged material. For projects in the
planning stage (either new projects or projects undergoing reformulation studies),
USACE policy is to maximize public benefits associated with the project. This is
accomplished through the development of a NED plan and is derived through an
incremental analysis of appropriate benefits versus costs. A wide range of potential
environmental benefits (e.g., beneficial use of dredged material, the environmentally
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