![]() Framework for Dredged Material Management
May 2004
7.3 Final Decision Document
The completion of the NEPA process is documented in two ways depending upon
the determination of significance of impacts associated with the proposed activity. The
FONSI is prepared when an EA determines that preparation of an EIS is unnecessary.
The FONSI is the environmental decision document. In addition, a Statement of Findings
(SOF) is typically prepared upon completion of the evaluation process, including required
coordination, receipt or waiver of required certifications, and completion of appropriate
environmental documentation (e.g., the EA/FONSI and 404/103 evaluations). When an
EIS is prepared, a ROD is prepared which specifies the entire recommended action,
alternatives considered, and any comments that were received on the final EIS. The ROD,
not the final EIS, is the decision document. Typically the ROD is prepared in lieu of the
SOF, provided that the substantial parts of 33 CFR 337.6 are included in the ROD. These
documents are signed at various levels within the USACE structure and allow the
USACE to proceed with the proposed action. Preparation of the FONSI, ROD, and SOF
(if appropriate) typically occur after USEPA has provided comments on draft and/or final
documents. Copies of the FONSI and/or ROD should routinely be provided to the
USEPA NEPA review office as well as CWA/MPRSA program office.
The Public Notice also provides the formal opportunity for USEPA to exercise its
statutory environmental oversight under the CWA and MPRSA. Because of shared
enforcement responsibilities under the CWA and MPRSA between the USACE and
USEPA, coordinating permit conditions or management restrictions is a good practice.
Each USACE District and USEPA region should have acceptable arrangements and
practices that do not burden or delay the process.
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