![]() Framework for Dredged Material Management
May 2004
Existing Federal navigation projects and existing permits will have had an
environmental evaluation accomplished at some time in their history. Evaluation of
environmental acceptability of an alternative will have been done in the NEPA
compliance documents, in the Section 404 or Section 103 evaluations and the Public
Notice, and to some extent in the engineering or project reports. Existing project and
permit reevaluations will normally require a comparison of what is to be done with the
existing NEPA document discussed. If the alternative is to remain the same or was
discussed in detail in the NEPA document and there is no reason to believe any new
significant issues or information have raised since the issuance of the NEPA document,
then no additional NEPA coverage is warranted.
If, however, new significant issues such as new disposal options not addressed in
the EIS/EA, public interest concerns, or reason to believe significant new contaminants
are present, then NEPA requirements should be updated with either an EA/FONSI or a
supplement to the existing EIS. In either of the above cases whether additional NEPA
documentation is required or not, all other environmental laws and regulations must be
followed (see Appendix A for a discussion of necessary compliance). This is either done
in the compliance and coordination section of the EA/EIS or in the Section 404 or
Section 103 evaluations. If the former is done, the 404/103 evaluation should be\
appended to and discussed in the NEPA document. In either case, there is full public
disclosure of the information in the public review process for NEPA or in the Public
Notice for the 404/103 evaluation process and an opportunity for public comment prior to
selection of the preferred alternative.
Federal navigation projects involving new work (i.e., new channels or
improvements to existing channels) and new 404/103 permit applications will normally
not have complied with NEPA, and will require compliance with the Council on
Environmental Quality regulations for implementing NEPA. This will be initiated as
early in the evaluation process as possible. For a more detail discussion of the USACE
regulations implementing NEPA, refer to 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts
230 and 325.
Subchapter II of the NEPA established the CEQ as part of the Executive Office of
the President. Exercising its mandate to oversee the implementation of the NEPA, in
1978 the CEQ issued regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508) covering the procedural
provisions of the Act. The regulations state that the NEPA procedures are designed to
ensure that high-quality information on environmental consequences relative to
significant issues is available to public officials and private citizens before decisions are
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