![]() of 5.51 hr on the first 2 days of the demonstration was (after accounting for the
over-reporting gross volumes reported in Form 4267) estimated to be
14,000 cu yd.
The nuclear density meter and flow meter were not calibrated for the site-
specific conditions at HOP. In order to adjust the (production meter) totalized
volume calculated with the time-series data, the (placement area survey volume
plus 20 percent fines) gross volume of 222,000 cu yd was reduced by
14,000 cu yd to approximately 208,000 cu yd and the 10-sec cubic-yards-per-
hour (production meter) readings adjusted accordingly so the totalized time-
series-calculated production volume equaled 208,000 cu yd as shown in Table 5.
The adjusted production values per advance are also listed in Table 5. The
production rate per advance was calculated by dividing the volume dredged per
advance by the total advance time. The highest production rate obtained during
the demonstration was 4,600 cu yd/hr while advancing 719 ft, and the average
production rate from all the advances in Table 5 was approximately
2,300 cu yd/hr.
During the demonstration, the ladder pump and only one of the two hull
pumps were used to pump slurry the required distances. Because the two hull
pumps were connected in series, the unpowered pump introduced significant
head losses into the hydraulic circuit, and the dredge's production numbers were
influenced by this operating condition.
Average production rates
The average production rate of the entire demonstration between the begin-
ning and end of dredging (192 hr) to move 222,000 cu yd was approximately
1,200 cu yd/hr or approximately 28,000 cu yd/day. The average production rate
per each reach (with delays incorporated) was calculated by totalizing the (time-
series-calculated) volumes and dividing by the total time spent at each reach. The
Beachbuilder spent a total of 17.75 hr (between start and stop of dredging) at
Reach 1 dredging approximately 16,500 cu/yd (14,000 cu yd estimated from
Form 4267 plus 2,500 cu yd calculated from time-series data) for an average pro-
duction rate of 931 cu yd/hr. A total of 128.5 hr was spent at Reach 2 dredging
approximately 206,000 cu yd for an average production rate of 1,600 cu yd/hr (or
approximately 38,400 cu yd/day). The average production rate per pumping hour
was approximately 2,300 cu yd/hr.
Factors affecting high and low range of average production rates
Estimates of high and low production rates that the Beachbuilder could
achieve while working in the two halves of the channel (LDB and RDB sides)
pumping the same distance as the demonstration (10,820 ft) are presented. These
estimates are based on the assumption that the dredge remains at one reach (does
not include relocating the hard point). The impact on pumping time by relocating
the hard point is further discussed in Chapter 6. As described above, the dredge
can work almost completely uninterrupted in the RDB side of the channel. On the
last day of the demonstration (13 June) Beachbuilder worked the RDB side to
Chapter 4
Dredging Operational Characteristics Analyses
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