![]() U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research Report Summary, June 1998
Dredging Operations and Environmental Research Program
Contaminated Sediments
Guidance for Subaqueous Dredged Material Capping (TR DOER-1)
ISSUE: Potential for water column and benthic
q Define capping project site selection consid-
effects related to sediment contamination must
be evaluated when considering open-water
q Develop guidelines for cap monitoring.
placement. Management options aimed at re-
SUMMARY: The research resulted in techni-
ducing the release of contaminants to the water
cal guidance for evaluation of subaqueous
column during placement and/or subsequent
dredged material capping. Guidance includes
isolation of the material from benthic organisms
level-bottom capping, contained aquatic dis-
may control potential contaminant effects.
posal, design requirements, a design sequence,
Subaqueous capping is the controlled, accurate
site selection, equipment and placement tech-
placement of contaminated dredged material at
niques, geotechnical considerations, mixing and
an appropriately selected open-water placement
dispersion during placement, required capping
site, followed by a covering (cap) of suitable
sediment thickness, material spread and mound-
isolating material. Although conventional
ing during placement, cap stability, and moni-
placement equipment and techniques may be
toring plans. This guidance is applicable to
used for a capping project, these practices must
dredged material capping projects in ocean wa-
be more precisely controlled in this application.
ters as well as inland and near-coastal waters.
RESEARCH: The objective was to develop a
comprehensive approach for evaluation of sub-
available in .pdf format on the World Wide Web
aqueous capping projects, including these goals:
at http://www.wes.army.mil/el/dots and through
q Refine and adapt numerical models, labora-
Interlibrary Loan Service from the U.S. Army
tory testing procedures, and engineering de-
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
sign approaches for capping evaluations.
(WES) Library, telephone (601) 634-2355. To
q Develop design requirements and a design
purchase a copy of the report, call NTIS at (703)
sequence for capping.
q Document equipment and placement tech-
niques for contaminated material and cap-
ping material placement.
About the Authors: Dr. Michael R. Palermo, Messrs. Tommy E. Myers, James E. Clausner,
Gregory L. Williams, and Dr. Marian E. Rollings perform research at WES; contract support
was provided by Dr. Robert E. Randall, Civil Engineering Department, Texas A&M Univer-
sity; and Dr. Thomas J. Fredette, the U.S. Army Engineer District, New England. Point of
Contact: Dr. Palermo, Principal Investigator, telephone (601) 634-3753 or e-mail
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