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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency (EPA) have statutory responsibilities with re-
gard to the management of dredged material placement in both ocean and
inland and nearshore waters. When dredged materials proposed for open-
water placement are found to require isolation from the benthic environ-
ment, capping may be appropriate for consideration as a management
action. The report herein is intended to provide technical guidance for
evaluation of capping projects.
This is one of a series of guidance reports pertaining to dredged mate-
rial management. This series includes a document entitled "Evaluating
Environmental Effects of Dredged Material Management Alternatives - A
Technical Framework" (Framework Document - USACE/EPA 1992). The
Framework Document articulates those factors to be considered in identi-
fying the environmental effects of dredged material management alterna-
tives on a continuum of discharge sites from uplands to the oceans
(management alternatives include open-water, confined, and beneficial-
use situations) that meet the substantive and procedural requirements of
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), The Federal Water Pollu-
tion Control Act of 1972, Public Law 92-500, as amended by the Clean
Water Act of 1977 (CWA), and the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanc-
tuaries Act (MPRSA). Application of the technical guidance in this report
will allow for consistency in decision making with respect to capping
within the Technical Framework.
Potential for water column and benthic effects related to sediment con-
tamination must be evaluated when considering open-water placement of
dredged material. Management options aimed at reducing the release of
contaminants to the water column during placement and/or subsequent iso-
lation of the material from benthic organisms may be considered to con-
trol potential contaminant effects. Such options include operational
modifications, use of subaqueous discharge points, diffusers, subaqueous
lateral confinement of material, or capping of contaminated material with
suitable material (Francingues et al. 1985; USACE/EPA 1992).
Subaqueous dredged material capping is the controlled, accurate place-
ment of contaminated dredged material at an appropriately selected open-
water placement site, followed by a covering or cap of suitable isolating
Chapter 1 Introduction
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