![]() 3
Characterization of
Contaminated and
Capping Sediments
Need for Sediment Characterization
Characterization of both the contaminated sediment and potential cap-
ping sediments is necessary for evaluation of the environmental accept-
ability of sediments for open-water placement and to determine physical
and engineering properties necessary for prediction of both short- and
long-term behavior of the sediments. Some characterization data may
have been obtained as a part of a more general investigation of disposal
alternatives prior to consideration of capping.
Characterization of Contaminated Sediment
The contaminated sediments to be capped are likely to have been char-
acterized to some degree prior to consideration of capping. In any event,
the contaminated sediment must be characterized from a physical, chemi-
cal, and biological standpoint.
Physical characterization
The physical characteristics of the contaminated sediment are of impor-
tance in predicting the behavior of the material during and following place-
ment at a capping site. Physical characterization is needed for evaluations
of dispersion and spread during placement, mounding characteristics, and
long-term stability and resistance to erosion.
Physical tests and evaluations on sediment should include visual classi-
fication, natural (in situ) water content/solids concentration/bulk density,
plasticity indices (Atterberg limits), organic content, grain-size distribution,
specific gravity, and Unified Soil classification. Standard geotechnical
laboratory test procedures, such as those of the American Society for Test-
ing and Materials (ASTM), the American Association of State Highway
Chapter 3 Characterization of Contaminated and Capping Sediments
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