![]() per unit area applied to the sediment bed surface by water movement.
This critical value is usually called the critical shear stress for initiation of
motion. Estimating the shear stress for given conditions is not a simple
calculation and may depend on a multitude of variables. However, under
many conditions, given a few basic parameters, an estimate can be made
for the shear stress that can tell the engineer if sediment deposits are in the
range where sediment movement may occur (i.e., above the critical value).
This can be done for a wave environment or a current environment. This
section contains graphs that, if a few basic parameters are known (such as
median grain size, wave height, wave period, water depth, and current), a
reasonable estimate of stress can be developed. The calculations for com-
bined current/wave environments cannot be plotted easily. Under these
conditions, the relationships become much more complex, and a detailed
study is required to determine the bottom stresses and ultimate dispersive/
nondispersive classification of the site.
The dashed lines in Figure 25 plot the critical value of the vertically
averaged current velocity (ucr) versus the median grain size (d50) for vari-
(1993), is defined as a function of the water depth h and grain size distri-
bution. This simplified equation, based on Shields curve for initiation of
motion and assuming effective bed roughness can be estimated as 3d90
(where d90 is the 90th percentile grain size, i.e., 90 percent of the material
is finer) and d90 = 2d50 can be expressed as:
ucr = 0.19(d50 )
for 0.0001 ≤ d50 ≤ 0.0005 m
ucr = 8.50(d50 )
for 0.0005 ≤ d50 ≤ 0.002 m
As stated previously, the above equations calculate the approximate
critical vertically averaged velocity value for the initiation of sediment
movement. At these values, the particles will start to roll or move across
the bottom in fairly regular jumps (saltation). There are also higher stress
levels at which the particles will leave the turbulent bottom boundary
layer and be brought into suspension. These values are called the critical
velocities for initiation of suspension and are indicated by the solid lines
in Figure 25. These values can be approximated, using the same assump-
tions as for ucr, by:
(Θcr ,s )
ucr ,s = 5.75 (s - 1)gd50
where s is the sediment specific gravity; g is acceleration of gravity; and
Θcr,s, the critical Shields parameter for suspension, is defined by:
Θcr ,s =
for 1 < D * ≤ 10
D *2 (s - 1) gd50
Chapter 8 Long-Term Cap Stability
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