![]() Under wave-dominated conditions, the orbital velocities produced by
waves will be the primary force agitating the sediment bed surface and
producing erosion. Because of the unsteady nature of the orbital veloci-
ties (compared with the relatively steady currents), a peak orbital velocity
of similar magnitude to a current velocity will not result in similar shear
stresses at the sediment-water interface. The current boundary layer is
fully developed and much thicker than that for continually changing or-
bital velocities. Therefore, bottom shear stresses created by a similar mag-
nitude orbital velocity will be much greater than that for current velocity
and Figure 25 will not apply. Due to the complexity of wave/bottom
stress complexities, there is no general agreement amongst researchers on
a proper method for estimating bottom effects. However, it is possible,
without a detailed analysis, to develop a first order magnitude estimate
that will assist the engineer in determining site stability for a plane bed.
The method described here was developed by van Rijn (1989), and a brief
overview is presented in van Rijn (1993). Figure 26 plots wave period, T,
versus the critical peak orbital velocity at the bed, uδ,cr. The solid lines
are the experimentally determined values of the critical value for the in-
itiation of motion. The average inaccuracy of the curves is 25 percent.
The value of Uδ for conditions at a specific site can be evaluated by:
Uδ =
T sinh (kh)
H = significant wave height
T = wave period
k = wave number
The wave number k can be determined from the wave length L by the
equation k = 2p/L. The wave length in turn is determined by iteration of
the equation:
gT 2
tanh (2πh L)
The user can then compare the value of Uδ to the critical value, Uδ,cr, for
a known median grain size and wave period using Figure 26. If the values
of Uδ is greater than Uδ,cr, then the potential for erosion is significant.
Even if the value is only slightly less than critical, given the margin of er-
ror in the estimates presented in Figure 26, the engineer should seek fur-
ther detailed analysis to determine site stability. However, if the value is
significantly less than critical, the site can be assumed stable.
Chapter 8 Long-Term Cap Stability
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