![]() 10 Case Studies
Subaqueous capping of contaminated dredged material in open-water
sites began in the late 1970s, and a number of capping operations under a
variety of disposal conditions have been accomplished. The Corps has
conducted over 20 capping projects, with the majority conducted by the
USACE New England Division (NED). An overview of the field experi-
ences related to capping of contaminated dredged material is found in T
able 8. Projects have included sites in Central Long Island Sound, New
York Bight area at the mouth of the Hudson River, Puget Sound, and Rot-
terdam Harbor, the Netherlands. Data on capping projects vary widely in
their availability. The projects listed in Table 8 are not intended to be all
inclusive, but are representative of a range of site and operational condi-
tions. Brief descriptions of most of these projects and others are given in
the following paragraphs.
Long Island Sound
Capping is an alternative frequently used by the NED for disposal of
material dredged from numerous industrialized harbors in New England.
NED has documented the operations and monitoring programs in the Cen-
tral Long Island Sound (CLIS) disposal site and other sites as a part of the
Disposal Area Monitoring System (DAMOS). The DAMOS program was
initiated in 1977, and the experience gained from 15 years (1979-94) of
DAMOS capping experience is described in a series of DAMOS technical
reports, many of which describe operations involving capping. The cap-
ping experience gained by NED in the CLIS disposal area has recently
been summarized in a monograph (SAIC 1995) from which some of the in-
formation presented here is taken. Other capping experience gained by
NED in the New London disposal site can be found in DAMOS reports
and SAIC reports.
Over 15 years of disposal site monitoring of capped mounds in New
England have provided an important data set of sufficient duration to allow
evaluation of the long-term effects of capping contaminated dredged mate-
rial. The data set includes a broad spectrum of characteristics including
physical, chemical, and biological components. Future capping projects
can benefit from the lessons learned in these pioneering projects.
Chapter 10 Case Studies
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