![]() b. Refine and verify models for short-term fate of dredged material to
allow for predictions within the full range of conditions expected
at capping sites.
c. Refine and verify models that predict subaqueous mound development
due to multiple discharges from barges or hopper dredges or long-
term discharge from pipelines. Approaches should included both
water column and spread behavior of the discharges and the
geotechnical considerations associated with mound-slope stability,
density flows, and resistance to bearing failure. Such tools will
have application for general open-water site management as well
as specific application to capping scenarios.
d. Refine and verify models that predict long-term erosion from
dredged material mounds. Additional emphasis should be placed
on mounds covered with fine-grained material. Such tools will
have application for general open-water site management as well
as specific application to capping scenarios.
e. Refine existing estimates of resuspension of contaminated material
during cap placement. This work will assist in determining the costs
versus benefits of "sprinkling" cap material versus conventional
bottom dumping of cap material.
Develop engineering guidance on acceptable rates and methods of
application of capping material over contaminated material of
varying density and shear strength. These techniques should con-
sider the geotechnical behavior related to displacement and mixing
of contaminated and capping sediments and resistance of the sedi-
ments to bearing failure. Extend the investigation to include pene-
tration of dense (e.g., rock) cap material into contaminated
material mounds.
This effort will likely require developing or refining instrumentation
for in situ geotechnical measurements.
h. The effect of pore water pressure fluctuations within the mound
caused by the surface wave climate should be studied to determine
possibility of contaminant release and reduced mound stability.
Develop predictive tools for evaluation of long-term cap integrity,
considering chemical migration via consolidation, bioturbation,
and diffusion. Both analytical and modeling approaches should be
considered. Refinements to sediment-water interface models for
this purpose are ongoing under the Disposal Operations Technical
Support Program.
Conduct laboratory and field verification studies of long-term cap in-
tegrity. Laboratory approaches should include refinement of exist-
ing cap-effectiveness tests using columns. Additional laboratory
verification of consolidation effects on contaminant migration
should be conducted using large geotechnical centrifuges. Field
studies should include periodic monitoring and sampling of
capped sites to include analysis of core samples.
Chapter 11 Summary and Recommendations
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