![]() on a time scale that is rapid compared with the design lifetime of a cap. Con-
solidation of the cap directly reduces the thickness of a cap and the separation
between contaminants and the overlying water or benthic organisms while con-
solidation of the underlying sediment results in the expression of potentially
contaminated pore water. Using Lsed, A to represent the thickness of a cap com-
promised by a contaminant A during consolidation of the underlying sediment,
the effective cap thickness remaining for chemical containment is given by
Lsed, A
where L0 is the initial thickness of the cap immediately after placement.
The depth of bioturbation can be assessed through an evaluation of the
capping material and recognition of the type, size, and density of organisms
expected to populate this material. Because of the uncertainty in this evaluation,
the bioturbed zone is generally chosen conservatively, that is, considered to be as
large as the deepest penetrating organism likely to be present. Due to the action
of bioturbating organisms, this layer is also generally assumed to pose no
resistance to mass transfer between the contaminated sediment layer and the
overlying water.
The consolidation of a cap can be estimated through use of standard consoli-
dation models; for example, the Corps of Engineers' Primary Consolidation and
Dessication of Dredged Fill (PCDDF) model (Stark 1991). Note, however, that
in addition to reducing the thickness of a cap, consolidation serves to reduce
both the porosity and permeability of a cap causing reductions in chemical
migration rates by both advection and diffusion.
The consolidation of the underlying contaminated sediment can also be esti-
mated through consolidation models. These models do not predict the resulting
movement of the chemical, however, and a model is described below. The
effective cap thickness estimated by Equation B9 is subject to chemical migra-
tion by advection and diffusion processes. The long-term chemical flux to the
water via these processes can be modeled.
The complete model of chemical movement through the cap must be com-
posed of two components:
An advective component considering the short-term consolidation of the
contaminated sediment underlying the cap.
A diffusive or advective-dispersive component considering contaminant
movement as a result of pore water movement after the cap has fully
The first component is operative for all caps but only for a short period of
time. The first component allows determination of the effective cap thickness
through Equation B9. The resulting effective cap thickness can then be used to
assess long-term losses through the cap by advective and/or diffusive processes.
Appendix B Model for Chemical Containment by a Cap
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