![]() In the next case a cap has been placed and the flux through the cap is esti-
mated subject to the previously discussed assumptions of constant concentration
in the underlying sediment. This system is described by Equation B32. The
result is presented by the broken line in Figure B2. The flux is initially zero
until cap breakthrough, and the flux then slowly increases with time. After
several thousand years in this example, the flux with and without the cap
approaches the constant value of 20 mg m-2 year-1. Again, both models approach
the same value because the contaminated region is assumed infinitely thick and
advection ultimately controls the flux.
In the final case, the conditions are identical to the capped case above, but
mass transfer is recognized to cause depletion of the contaminant beneath the
cap and the actual thickness (and therefore finite mass) of the contaminated
region is explicitly considered. The thickness of the contaminated region is
assumed identical to the effective thickness of the cap, 35 cm. No degradation is
assumed, consistent with the previous examples. The solution by the numerical
model is given as the dotted line on Figure B2. Of the three models, this is the
only one that satisfies the material balance in that the loss to the overlying water
is reflected in reductions in mass in the contaminants in the sediment.
The plot of flux with time for an uncapped system shows a high initial flux
owing to a large concentration gradient at the surface initially. With depletion in
the near-surface sediment, the flux asymptotically approaches a limit given by
the advective flux from the deep-sediment concentrations. With a cap, the con-
taminant takes some time to seep through the clean capped region. Hence there
is an initial time period when there is essentially no contaminant flux. Since
there is an assumption of constant contaminant concentration at the base of the
cap, the flux asymptotically approaches a maximum that would ultimately equal
the uncapped flux. The realistic model that accurately accounts for contaminant
depletion in the sediment shows a flux that never reaches as high as the flux
from either of the two preceding models, and it steadily decreases at long time.
Note that in either capped case, the total mass released to the water column is
significantly reduced for any period of time. The total mass released is the inte-
gral under the flux curves.
In this example it was assumed that the bioturbated region offers no resist-
ance to the transport of contaminants. A model explicitly accounting for the
bioturbated region could also be developed. Similarly, the effect of cap thick-
ness and contaminated layer thickness or inhomogeneity on the long-term flux
profile can be studied using the numerical model. This is not possible using the
conservative analytical model Equation B32.
This appendix was prepared with the partial support of the U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency through the Hazardous Substance Research
Appendix B Model for Chemical Containment by a Cap
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